:: My Blog's Name is Jennifer ::

Do you truly know the mystery that is Mackenzie? Well, you will after reading this for a while. I've got a number of irrational fears that I'd like to share with you.
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:: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 ::

I have so much to do from now to the end of the year. At the moment, I have a test on Friday, a paper due on Monday, a poem to memorize by Tuesday, and another paper by December 5th. And I still can't make myself get started. I walk around with this giant knot in my stomach, and I still can't motivate myself.
:: Mac 6:20 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, November 13, 2003 ::
I've devoted myself to Rome. I get so much insight from the study of this great empire, and moreover, loads of humor as well. For example, let us examine in life and times of that great emporer, Pupienus.

What's that? How do I pronounce that name, you ask?


Poopy Anus.

I love Rome so very, very much.

Oh, and there's no need to really look at the life and times of Pupienus. He was only Emporer for a few months, then he died. The end.
:: Mac 7:41 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, November 08, 2003 ::
I really enjoy my little brother's away messages. They're sort of punny, based on things that're probably really old, but I never heard before.

Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you insult them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

Firefighter: At one point we decided to fight fire with fire... Well ...basically... your house burned even faster.

On his profile he states he's from "Anahizzle."

Oh, and I dyed my hair last night. It's now has a burgundy cast to it.
:: Mac 9:41 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 ::
I realized that with a minor adjustment, one of Randy's favorite sayings becomes a haiku.

Suck it you dumb bitch

Just what do you think this is

A HomeTown Buffet?

:: Mac 7:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, November 01, 2003 ::
I've been terrible about updating. Sorry, Jennifer. Forgive me?

I've just sort of been feeling apathetic about a lot of things lately. I still love school, and the subjects I'm studying, but for the most part I'm just really tired. If I were rich, or even comfortable in income, I'd consider taking a year off to travel and just relax, but no money for that. Money for an education is one thing, money to flush away is another.

I'm just tired of always being stressed. It may've been a mistake to join the LinC, but I like being involved with things, to a point. I probably prefer just laying around.

Oh, here's something I've been wondering about - accents. To California people say certain things differently from everyone else? I'm hearing non-CA people say that they pronounce it "worter" instead of "water" and "crick" instead of "creek," and so forth, but I can't think of anything specific just for us. Unfortunately, I'm of the opinion that perhaps we (as a whole) do say "like" more than others, but I happen to say it a lot, so maybe it's just me. Opinions on this, especially from college folks? I know I don't have a commenting system anymore, but you could always post on your own journal or whatnot.

On a final note - I love sunflower seeds.
:: Mac 9:36 PM [+] ::

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