:: My Blog's Name is Jennifer ::

Do you truly know the mystery that is Mackenzie? Well, you will after reading this for a while. I've got a number of irrational fears that I'd like to share with you.
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:: Saturday, September 27, 2003 ::

I'm going to try to update more. I just keep telling myself I'm too busy, despite the fact I spend several hours a day online avoiding the things I should be busying myself with. Here goes.

I have decided that studying with friends is a waste of time. I love my friends dearly and enjoy spending time with them - and you - all, but it's not the best way to go about things. I only just learned this Thursday night, studying for my Evolution of Rome (a 300 level history class) midterm.

My fellow Archaeology sophomores Emily, Andrew, and I decided to meet in the library so we could study together. We set about constructing timelines to guide us, but it was way too easy to chat and waste time. Eventually, I actually finished mine, and wandered away to procure a book I'd seen the day before. Handing it to Andrew, I told him he could learn something from it. It's title was The Reign of the Phallus.

This book was filled with little pictures of ancient Greek porn, accompanied with interesting captions. One was "Woman offering wine and sex to a mule." This caused Andrew to start laughing so hard his face turned bight red. His reaction made me start laughing so hard I cried. Emily laughed at me so hard that she was holding her sides.

It felt lovely to laugh 'til it hurt. But that didn't help our studying. After about two and a half hours, we'd accomplished little. Surprisingly, lazy me got the most done. They went to go see Matrix Reloaded. I studied for another hour and in the morning. We're a little iffy about what we expect our grades to be.

In any case, never again.

:: Mac 4:51 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 22, 2003 ::
The big news from back home, apparently, is that my dad brought home a rosy boa some guy found at his work. For those of you not hip to this lingo, rosy boa = big ass snake. I'm sure as hell glad I'm here and not there. Snakes are not my favorites. So anyway, my mother, father, and brother all told me seperately about this occurence. Now the geniuses have no where to put it, and the pet store won't take wild snakes. If any of you would like a big ass snake for free, email me, and I'll take care of it.

I also expanded my little family here in Indiana. I am now the keeper of a pretty beta fish. His name is Lovely Rita. Yes, my fish has a girl name. He's a drag queen, okay? Please do not discriminate against my fish's lifestyle of choice.

Finally, I got my voter stuff for the recall election in the mail today. I plan on putting in an absentee vote. It's exciting, the fact that this, the most stupid and pointless of elections, will be the first I've ever voted in. Yet, the names 'Larry Flynt' and 'Gary Coleman' on the list of candidates is slightly sickening. It's one thinf to talk about it, quite another to see it legitimate and in print.
:: Mac 8:23 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, September 12, 2003 ::
Tonight I went out with a bunch of female friends - Emily, Jill, Lucia, Nina, and a friend of Lucia - to see Once Upon A Time In Mexico. Good movie. Johnny was fairly awesome, as was Antonio and Willem Dafoe. I didn't know Enrique Iglesias was in it, and dammit, he wasn't too bad! I saw some fine slash opportunities with him, in fact. Interestingly - for a movie with Mexico in the title, very few of the main characters were portrayed by Mexicans. Antonio and Enrique are Spanish. Willem is...white. I don't know why that bothered me.

There was a lot of giggling whenever Johnny came on. We all clapped at a certain part at the end for him.

Afterwards, Lucia and her friend wandered away and the rest of us went to eat Chinese food. We did not know that Jill was a vegetarian, so we made fun of her constantly for it. Then we started putting her through all these crazy scenarios:

"If the cow was going to eat you if you didn't eat it, would you?"

"If a chicken pecked out your mother's eyes, would you eat it for revenge?"

"If this chicken called Johnny Depp a (expletive)(expletive), what would you do?"

She didn't care for that very much.

The night finished with some Dairy Queen and a visit to Wal-Mart. What a full night. I need a nap.

:: Mac 8:21 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, September 07, 2003 ::
So I went to my first frat party last night, prosaically named "Kumonawonalaya" (say it out loud). Boring, for the most part, but probably because I was the one running around taking names for the photos that'd been taken. A big scary guy in overalls did try to crash, and security had to take him away. That was interesting. And I got splashed several times when walked around the pool they'd set up. Otherwise, not a whole lot interesting. I guess a frat party requires alcohol to be fun, and that's something that stayed upstairs, where cameras aren't allowed.
:: Mac 8:54 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, September 06, 2003 ::
My first LinC thingy wasn't so bad. It was for this cooking contest at school, which means that I'm terribly full at the moment. Basically, I just followed the photographer around for several hours and asked the names of the people she pointed to. Easy enough. Tonight I have to do the same thing, but at a frat party of all things. Never been to one. Never thought I would.
:: Mac 3:44 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, September 05, 2003 ::
Another death at Disneyland, I see. And Big Thunder Mountain, no less! Here I was, finally feeling brave enough to ride the damn thing, and it falls apart.

I feel for the man who died and his family, of course, but also the ROs. Here they are, doing their job, and someone gets killed. I don't know how I'd react if I'd had to see one of my riders die, even if it wasn't my fault at all. How horrifying.
:: Mac 4:00 PM [+] ::
I went ahead and joined UE's yearbook staff as a section assistant. That means, essentially, that I have a myriad of tasks, including write, fact check, gather names, and come up with story ideas. I have a meeting every Sunday to attend and will have to work two Saturdays a month. In exchange for this, I get one credit hour, $50 a month, and the prestige of having my picture on the wall and name in the LinC.

I'm not sure how well I'll adjust to this. Obviously, it cuts into my lay around time a bit. I'll have to miss the Simpsons for the meetings, and requires that I talk to random people, which I generally dislike doing. Hmmm. I curse the fact that I already have to build up my extracuriculars for when I apply to grad school.

Ah well. I've already made my bed; too late to do anything about it now.
:: Mac 2:25 PM [+] ::

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