:: My Blog's Name is Jennifer ::

Do you truly know the mystery that is Mackenzie? Well, you will after reading this for a while. I've got a number of irrational fears that I'd like to share with you.
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:: Thursday, June 26, 2003 ::

Long ago I used to read the Wizard weekly email dealie. Wizard is the leading comics-related magazine, by the way, which I still read, showing quite clearly what a geek I am - comics themselves aren't enough; I need the comics NEWS! But anyway, it used to have a weekly "Top Ten", in which they would give a subject, and the readers would email in their answers in hopes of them getting chosen.

So, anyway, I found this lurking around the Net, and I thought I'd post it here. If any of you know anything about wrestling, you know how dated this is.

*The Top 10 Ways Things Would be Different if the WWF Ran the Comics Biz*

10) How would things be different? Spandex is spandex. (DarkGob)

9) Superman with his red Speedo... cape...and nothing more! (P0gob0y)

8) Young Justice would be saying, "Suck it!" (Danszig77)

7) Steel Cage Match to see who would win in a fight: Avengers or JLA. (Dobbler1)

6) Thor would turn in his enchanted hammer in lieu of the mystic folding chair. (BKimHI@lava.net)

5) All the big crossovers would end in a giant Pay-Per-View Special! (JHogan3679)

4) All superheroes would refer to themselves in third person, and they would refer to their villanous counter-parts as "roody-poo candy asses." (XTheNewGod)

3) "Give me a hell yeah!" would replace 'Nuff Said! (tonyl@sigmafinancial.com)

2) All the fans would cease to whine about Batman and Supes wearing their underwear outside their tights, since their gold chain mail tag-team costumes won't even HAVE tights. (MizzMarvel)

1) Socko could become the Herald of Galactus! (PH 99)

Sadly, making this list was one of the proudest achievements of my life.
:: Mac 9:17 AM [+] ::
Happy Deathday!
Your name:MizzMarvel
You will die on:Tuesday, November 12, 2024
You will die of:Didn't wait 30 minutes before swimming
Created by Quill

:: Mac 9:05 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 22, 2003 ::
There's this guy who lives downstairs who always hangs out either at the front gate, out front, or in the garage. We just thought he was a tweaker who smoked outside, but as it turns out he's a weird peeping tom. Two families are moving away after catching him looking into their windows and generally lurking. He's been evicted, but he's still here for now. Incidentally, the front gate is very near my windows.
:: Mac 9:17 PM [+] ::
Jeez a frickin' loo, my first twelve-hour day! Wooooooooo. It would be funny if I left all the typos caused by my own exhaustion, but I won't. I worked mostly Snoopy Bounce all day. You know what? If a little kid won't come out of the bounce house when time is up, someone has to go in after them. And that person is me. SIX KIDS I had to go after today, and the only consolation I get is that in doing so I have to break two rules - I'm far too tall for Snoopy Bounce, and I keep on my shoes. I just have to take off my name badge.

My throat hurts from yelling at small children all day. Oh well.
:: Mac 12:04 AM [+] ::
Your ideal mate is Pyro. He has a hot temper and a
short fuse, so dont tick him off! He has a
strong desire to prove himself and wont
hesitate to show off when he gets the chance.
Don't be surprised if he doesn't show you some
love. Frankly, he couldn't care less about you
and is probably only using you to get ahead.
But he's cute and thats pretty much all that
matters. Right?

Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only)
brought to you by Quizilla
:: Mac 12:00 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, June 20, 2003 ::
A brothel in Nevada is offering free sex to US servicemen and women. God Bless America.
:: Mac 12:12 PM [+] ::
I'm finally a certified Ride Operator. It took about three days of training when it really should've just been two, but that's all right, I guess. It freaked me out for a while, but slowly I realized it wasn't really my fault at all - I was scheduled badly - and that I was getting paid the same for mostly observing and jotting down notes.

I get my first paycheck ever today! All the money I made for my school job was just deducted from the tuition I owe, so this'll be the first time I actually get to cash one. This first one won't be for a whole lot though - just what I made for attending orientation last week, but since I'll be working five days straight this week, including a twelve hour day tomorrow, the next one should be pretty damn decent.

Dammit, all I can think about these days is work. And now I have to go rest up for today's shift. I'm closing. Never did that before.
:: Mac 12:04 PM [+] ::
Magic Number7
PersonalityUnfulfilled Dreamer
SexualWhatever, Whenever, Whoever
Likely To WinA Swimming Badge
Me - In A WordDevious
Brought to you by MemeJack

:: Mac 11:57 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 15, 2003 ::
Work was kind of bullshit today...I came in for training at nine am and discovered that four of us needed to be trained for Camp Snoopy, and the one trainer was only allowed to have two. So the other spare person and I were stuck reading the safety manual for a while to kill time until a shift leader became available. This never happened. Three hours later, we were just rescheduled for later training. I needed tomorrow off, so that means I have to wait until Tuesday to get started. Oh well. At least I got paid for doing nothing - and it wasn't even my fault!

Waiting outside, a little boy smiled and waved at me, he was so excited about going to Knott's. It made my day.

Oh, happy Father's Day all.
:: Mac 8:56 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 14, 2003 ::
I had my first eight hour "work" day today. Well, eight and a half, counting lunch. Basically, it was more training and learning more about working rides in general. Less boring than before, at least, but I am sooooooooo tired. And I didn't even really do anything! Basically, there was a lot of sitting and listening, followed by a walk around the park. I mean, if I'm exhausted by that, how am I going to handle actually being on my feet for up to three hours at a time?

Well, the prospect of a paycheck helps. It's weekly, and my first one will be for about $120 which I am VERY MUCH looking forward to spending with gleeful abandon.

And of course, listening DOES tire a person out.

But tomorrow I'll be there for the same amount of time, and really training for the eight rides I need to master initially. Camp Snoopy is composed of two sides - North and South - with a total of fifteen rides that RO's (Ride Operators) shift on. I'm starting with the South Side, but eventually I'll have to learn all fifteen. Sort of scary.

And then I'll probably have to finish training on Monday. I'm going to be very very very tired. I'm used to working eight and a half hours WEEKS, not days!

Oh well.

I'm rather sleepy and uncomfortably hot.

Here is the first quiz in a while:

You are a gargoyle. Beautiful and mysterious, you
are only alive at night, and are weary of
humans...some trust you...most don't.

What Kind of Fantasy Creature are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
:: Mac 8:45 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 ::
Yesterday was company orientation...basically, a waste of time, but I got paid for the two hours I was there. Also, I won a T-Shirt. A year-old Halloween Haunt promotional shirt, double XL. I could wear it as a dress...

Today I went to the auction with my mother. She loves it, it bores me. I'll give her major props for not insisting that we stay long. Worst part is that I'll probably go next week too, but I have reasons for going other than antiques.

Not much else to say...I feel really boring. Hey, did anyone else get the letters they wrote to themselves last year in Ms. Lo's class? I got mine on Saturday, and I wasn't too embarrassed by it. I might eventually post an excerpt here. Then again, maybe I won't.
:: Mac 10:00 PM [+] ::
Blogger has revamped the way one posts, so now I have to get used to doing it all over again. This I don't particularly care for, but I must admit this posting page looks better. But no one else sees it but me, so who the hell cares?
:: Mac 9:52 PM [+] ::
Apparently, I am a Major Geek.
:: Mac 9:49 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 07, 2003 ::
I went to a fashion show at Macy's South Coast Plaza today. It was okay, but it would've been better if there were boys in bathing suits too, instead of just girls. I got a free "consultation" at the Clinique counter, which basically means the lady did my make-up for me. And it actually looks really good. My mom bought me some, and it seems really expensive, and now I feel guilty for spending her money.
:: Mac 5:41 PM [+] ::
Yesterday I watched a documentary on the Health channel called Transgender Teens. It focused on a couple of young women who want to become physically female, and it's pretty interesting. One has the support of her family, but the other was basically cast out of her home when she told her family she no longer wanted to be a boy, and now she lives on the streets and prostitutes herself. How sad.

But was really caught my attention was their names. Why do transgender females always pick fancy names? I've seen shows on transgender people before, and they can never pick something like Lisa or Kelly. In this documentary, the four that are named are Katrina, Sadaisha, LaVonna, and Alexis. What women really have these names?! I have met exactly one girl in my life with the name Katrina, and that's it. What really perplexes me is the fact that Katrina was originally named Stefan. Uh, hello? Wouldn't Stefanie be the obvious choice? Ach, whatever. I wouldn't want to be named Stefanie either.
:: Mac 5:38 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, June 06, 2003 ::
Well, I am now an employee of Knotts Berry Farm. I got hired on Tuesday, and now that I have passed the mandatory drug test and gotten most of my costume, I think it's pretty safe to say that I'm a Ride Operator at the Balloon Chase in Camp Snoopy.

I hope I like this job. Even though I have a school work study job, this'll be the first time I have to actually work regular hours and get a real paycheck. But at least I'll be doing something unique; how many people can say they've worked on a ride at an amusement park? I don't think I know ANYONE who's ever worked the rides at either Knotts or Disneyland, just food, retail, and games. John worked as a rock climber at Knotts for a while, I think. That's pretty interesting.

Not too sure about the costume though. I'm supposed to look like a scout leader or something. Red shirt, tan pants, neckerchief. Dear me. At least there's no hat.

I'll survive.
:: Mac 4:28 PM [+] ::
First of all, I saw Down With Love on Monday, finally, with my mom. Sorry I missed seeing it with you, Annie.

I was terribly disappointed. The story really needed some work and was actually kind of boring. Rene Zellweger (sp?) is SOOOOO over-rated in general, and here it was no exception. And the way she walked and talked was friggin' annoying. The rest of the cast was just all right, even David Hyde Pierce, whose career is made of playing slightly desperate rich guys.

The only bright spot in the whole film was Ewan. Not only did he take his shirt off and walk around in his underwear a lot, but they had him in really nice tailored suits most of the time. He looked awesome. And of course, his performance was excellent. And he danced too! What a man.

Mackenzie gives this movie a thumbs up just for Ewan.
:: Mac 4:16 PM [+] ::

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