:: My Blog's Name is Jennifer ::

Do you truly know the mystery that is Mackenzie? Well, you will after reading this for a while. I've got a number of irrational fears that I'd like to share with you.
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:: Saturday, May 31, 2003 ::

I went to the movies with my mom for the first time in over a year. The last movie we saw together was The Princess Diaries, so...yeah, that was a while ago, I think. As we walked into the theatre, I groaned because the lights were out and the previews were playing.

"Oh, it's just the previews," my mom said.

Does she know me at ALL? The previews are my favorite part!

Anyway, we saw The Italian Job. Once again, it's not a breath-taking work of cinema magic, but it's pretty entertaining. What can I say? Mark Wahlberg - good (and hot). Seth Green - good (and cute). Edward Norton - good (and attractive). Mos Def - good (and also cute). Jason Statham - good (as Handsome Rob). Franky G - good (and sexy).

My kind of movie.

And since Charlize Theron is my favorite actress, she doesn't bother me. Therefore, excellent casting. It's pretty funny, has lots of action, a decent storyline, and plenty of product placement. I recommend it.
:: Mac 11:20 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 ::
I was just watching The Simpsons (once of twice daily, unlike the zero times daily I watched it in Indiana), and I suddenly realized that I find one character particularly endearing - Chief Wiggum.

Wiggum, for a secondary character, has some of the best lines:

Chief Wiggum: [reading a tombstone, talking on a walkie talkie] Yeah... put out an APB for a Uspmis R. Dewoh... better start with Greek Town.
Lou: Uh, Chief. You're reading the tombstone upside down. It says "Homer J Simpson."
Chief Wiggum: Cancel that APB... but bring back some of those gyros.
Lou: Uh, Chief, you're talking into your wallet.

[Phone rings]
Chief Wiggum: Heh, yeah, right, lady: An elephant ran through your front yard. Okay.
[Rings again]
Chief Wiggum: Wiggum... Yeah, right, mister, mmhmm. An elephant just knocked over your mailbox. Okay.
[Rings again]
Chief Wiggum: Wiggum... Yeah, right, buddy, liquor store robbery, officer down. Sure. And I'm Edward G. Robinson.

Chief Wiggum: Uh, Mrs. Simpson, I have some bad news. Your husband was found DOA.
Marge: Oh my god! He's dead?
Chief Wiggum: Oh, I'm sorry. He was DUI. I get those two confused.
[a woman walks in]
Woman: Uh, hi. My name is Mrs. Phillips. You said my husband was DUI?
Chief Wiggum: Uh...... talk to one of those officers over there. I'm going to lunch.

Besides that, he's simply an interesting character. He's not too bright, often abuses his power, and is wholly incompetent. However, he remains inexplicably likable. For the most part, he seems like a decent guy, and he really loves his work, even though he's no good at it. Most notable, though, is his relationship with his son, Ralph.

Ralph is really the idiot of The Simpsons. Even Homer can have insight and say intelligent things from time to time; Ralph almost NEVER does. And yet, his father clearly adores him. Wiggum's blind to his son's imperfections - the "special schools" trying to recruit Ralph are certainly the good kind of special, in his father's point of view. The pair are often seen together, with Wiggum never seeming to mind his boy's prescence. He even uses his power to get the boy the role of George Washington in the school play.

Moreover, after seeing every episode of the show at LEAST once, I can't recall him ever saying anything harsh to Ralph. Homer's often expressed disgust or anger with his children, as have other parents on the show. But not Wiggum. I find this very interesting and sweet.

Why am I thinking this deeply about a cartoon? Sheesh. I need to get out of the heat.
:: Mac 7:11 PM [+] ::
I went to the Strawberry Festival on Memorial Day with Tracey. I didn't buy anything other than a $3 purse because all my money was stupidly left behind at home. Oh well, honestly, there wasn't much more I would've bought. I really just wanted to look, and that's what I did! Mission accomplished.

Later we went to Carl's and just talked for a long time. It's so nice having someone to do that with.

She also gave me a present. Okay, see, I think I have a problem with presents. I know when I give gifts, I like the recipient to seem overjoyed or excited or whatever. Yet, I cannot actually act that way. Inside, I am FEELING excited, but for some reason I can't show it. In fact, I think I seem LESS excited whenever I get a gift than I am normally.

Just so it's clear - I LOVE my present. It's unique and totally me. Thank you. :)

I turned in another application, waiting without any real hope to get called back. Maybe I should get off the Internet to see about that. Yeah right. And I found out Wolfgang Puck eliminated my favorite item from the regular menu. DAMN HIM!! I wanted my tortilla soup yesterday, and all they had was butternut squash soup and bad clam chowder. Who wants THAT? No one! Who wants tortilla soup? Me!

Whining ensues.

There was a big fire yesterday on Brookhurst, in the Little Arabia area. On our way home, my mom and I decided to drive over and see where it happened. When we turned down a street, I saw some kids walking down the street.

'That short blonde guy looks like Stephen,' I thought.

Of course, it WAS Stephen. My mom pulled over and we talked for a few minutes. I miss that crazy guy.
:: Mac 10:30 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, May 26, 2003 ::
My bird is such a crack-up. Right now someone's using a leaf blower (which I thought were illegal...) outside and it's driving him NUTS. He also just got through attacking a Jolly Rancher someone left near his cage. He can be a vicious little thing.

I went to the Scottish Festival this weekend with Marion. So many men in kilts, so few who are actually complemented by the look. Oh well. All the had to eat were meat pies, bangers, fish and chips, and haggis. Needless to say, I did not eat there. But I did get a bookmark with the tartan of Clan Mackenzie, a Clan Mackenzie Post-It pad (with the motto of the clan - "I Shine Not Burn"), and a button with a sheep that says "It Takes Guts To Make Haggis." Hahaha. That is does, sheep. That it does.

Later I went to the Block with Tracey. What is the damn deal with Bruce Almighty? It's ALWAYS sold out. We got there before 8 and had to wait around until 10:30 to finally see it! Jeezaloo. And the movie was only okay, in my opinion. Good story, but the humor dies fast. I've never really been a fan of "Jim Carrey - Mr. Elastic Face" movies, but hey, if you're into that, please see it. I did enjoy Steve Carrel, a correspondant from the Daily Show and voice of "Gary" from the Ambiguously Gay Duo (Stephen Colbert, another DS correspondant, is "Ace"), in a funny role.

Most fruitful part of the night - discovering the attention two girls can get by walking into a gaming shop. We were probably the first females to ever set foot in there, and it showed. I'll have to go back.
:: Mac 10:11 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 ::
I just learned that three friends of mine, all of whom graduated from Loara with the rest of us, have gotten pregnant already. I won't name names since I doubt they'd want everyone to know their business.

(Okay...one is Beverly. She's having triplets.)

Needless to say, I'm disappointed for their sakes. None of these babies were planned, and I'm mourning the loss of these girls' carefree young adult years. Then I wonder what'll become of these children. I'm fairly certain two will be born, but not so sure about the third. Not that I blame anyone who makes that choice.

I asked my mother once, when I was about 15, if I should happen to one day become pregnant, if she'd take me to get an abortion. She said yes, because she was nineteen when she had her first child, and she respected making that choice. Obviously, it never came up, but I have no doubt that, had it happened, I still wouldn't be sitting around with a child right now.
:: Mac 10:15 PM [+] ::
Jennifer is slightly better, but still looking off. I don't know what happened to her. I didn't do anything! Poor girl.
:: Mac 9:05 PM [+] ::
You're Quicksilver!

Which member of the 'X-Men Evolution' Brotherhood are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

:: Mac 8:46 PM [+] ::
Jeezaloo. I have NO idea what's wrong with Jennifer or how to fix her.

Temporary template change until the other one gets fixed. Enjoy the multi-colored fantasy for now.
:: Mac 4:10 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, May 18, 2003 ::
It's come to my attention that I haven't updated in over a week, so I shall. 'Tis been a long week, but I'll try to condense what has happened to me.

SUNDAY - Mothers Day. IHOP with my mom and little brother. The stuffed French Toast is good.

MONDAY - Went to Loara to visit Annie and various other schmoes. Saw a baby oppossum. Looked up pictures of hot guys on the drama computer while we should've been looking up Spider-Man stuff. Visited with Mrs. Balas and was given a ride home.

TUESDAY - I think this was the day I went to the Block to see X2 with Annie. Got a Peach Pleasure at Jamba Juice. Fawned over the numerous hot guys in X2. Not so many hot guys at the Block.

WEDNESDAY - I can't remember what I did.

THURSDAY - Went to Fullerton College with Tracey and Bri to help with a school project. Was a weather girl and briefly an anchor person. Saw part of the luner eclipse before it got tedious. Dessert at Denny's.

FRIDAY - Forgot about the movies with Annie. Oops. I suck. Got Mama Cozzas with Dad, and finally new comic books.

SATURDAY - Failed job interview with Disneyland. Oh well. I think my parents were more upset than I was. Pizza at the beach with my dad. Went to the Block with Tracey and saw X2 for the third time. Got a Peach Pleasure at Jamba Juice. Fawned over hot guys in X2, ESPECIALLY Collossus. Yowza. Wandered around the Block until closing.
:: Mac 11:39 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 10, 2003 ::
It took a full car, three days, two motel rooms, and eight states, but I am home. Here are the jists of those states:

INDIANA - State Most Likely To Be Returned To In August

ILLINOIS - State In Most Briefly

MISSOURI - Most Tree-Filled State

OKLAHOMA - Most Tornado-Filled State

TEXAS - State Most Easily Slept Through

NEW MEXICO - Windiest State

ARIZONA - Most Beautiful State

CALIFORNIA - Most Densely-Populated State

Not a lot of interest went on, but we had about 5 near-fatalities. When we got home, we went straight to my little brother's baseball game, then unloaded the car and went to Don Jose. I'll probably hang out with my Mom tomorrow, it being Mom Day and all. But other than that, my must sought-after time is up for grabs. Everyone feel free to email or call me with super-awesome plans.

I won't hold my breath.
:: Mac 8:54 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 ::
I am leaving my first year of college with a 4.0.
:: Mac 7:49 PM [+] ::
Niana left this afternoon and I already miss her. I'm so lucky to have gotten such a great roommate, especially since we were paired together by complete chance. After only a few months, she's become one of the best friends I've ever had. When we said goodbye, she cried and I felt like it, and now I have to sleep in a half-bare dorm tonight.
:: Mac 6:08 PM [+] ::
Finals are over, finals are over, yesssssssss. It feels like this giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders, even though I think I didn't do so well on that last one. The last final always has the disadvantage because the least time if left to study for it. I offered my professor five dollars in cash or muffins to call it all off, but no go. Oh well. I don't care. It's over, it's over!

I leave for home tomorrow sometime. Hopefully I'll be in California by Saturday, but who knows. At least I'll be there for Mother's Day on Sunday...too bad I don't have anything for my mom. Oops!

Now I must pack. Oh sweet Heaven...
:: Mac 10:26 AM [+] ::

Which Diesel Sweeties Character Are You?

:: Mac 10:20 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 03, 2003 ::
"They all felt something,
But I felt nothing,
Except the feeling
That this bullshit was absurd."

-- Diana's Montage "Nothing" from A Chorus Line
:: Mac 11:47 AM [+] ::
My day was long yesterday, so I have helpfully put it into chapter form.

I. Finals Finals Finals

I had my first two finals, and studied like mad for...neither. But I did study nonetheless, despite the sinking feeling I felt when contemplating that I'd chosen to watch Seinfeld when I should've been cramming for the dreaded World Prehistory final. Still, I think I did tolerably well on both, the other being for World Cultures. And now I NEVER HAVE TO TAKE WORLD CULTURES AGAIN. Hooray.

II. Chasing X2

Now, the PLAN was that I'd be going to see X2 with my friend Josh and his roommate. However, they mysteriously disappeared. I even went over to their hall to see if they were waiting for me downstairs for some reason, but alas, they weren't. Luckily, Lafe was in the next hall, and screamed at me from the window to go with his group of pals (which was the original plan, but that's a long story). He also wanted me to get closer; I had a feeling a water balloon was onhand, so I kept my distance. Turns out I was right. But with my ride gone, I took the offer gladly.

III. "You're from California and you've never ridden in a Jeep?"

Brent is Lafe's roommate and Niana's friend. I drove with him. He has a Jeep. THAT was scary. I mean, there's a warning sticker telling you that the roof and sides will do you NO good as protection against anything other than rain. Also, the whole time Brent was going, "Oh no, we're gonna flip" or "Ooooh, we're crossing the center divider" or "Let's play a game. I'll cover take my hands off the wheel and close my eyes, and you steer."

I still think Brent's hilarious. Everytime he comes over I end up laughing hysterically. Imagine a whole ride of that over to Bumfuck, Egypt (otherwise known as Newburgh, Indiana).

IV. "Say Car Ramrod!"

Lafe and Brent love the movie "Super Troopers", so I heard quotes from it all night, especially the one above. But dammit, I love that movie too. It sucks how stupid it looked when it came out, when in fact is friggin' hilarious.

I should explain that we went to a drive-in. That's something I haven't done since I was 10 or so, and I'd forgotten that we'd have to wait until dark for the movie to start. So there was lots of standing around and talking.

V. "I guess they're still playing in the woods"

Spoilers here.

X2 was pretty good. It was first and foremost a special effects movie, and in that area, as well as action sequences, it was excellent. But it was by no means Citizen Kane, and the story was only okay. There were a lot of holes in the plot. The title of this chapter refers to the kids in the mansion who take off into the woods and then are just never mentioned again. What the hell? Also, the President has no problem with all those soldiers Wolverine kills in the raid on the mansion? Granted, it's not cool they're shooting tranquilizer darts at the kids, but they're just doing their job. There's also a little too much story here. Not only is there the main plot, there's Bobby and Rogue's relationship, the love triangle between Jean/Wolverine/Cyclops, Wolverine's background, Bobby's confession of being a mutant, Pyro's degradation, et cetera. Come on. They're trying for too much.

The acting and depiction of the characters were, for the most part, sound. There were a few problems with depiction of powers (such as Artie, who's nothing like how he was depicted, though the real Artie would be hard to recreate) and personalities. My major gripe was with Nightcrawler, whom I felt was miscast and miswritten. The actor, Alan Cummings, actually did a fine job, but I think Nightcrawler could've been younger, cooler, and less of a fool. Also, he's not a religious freak. He wouldn't have maimed himself with tattoos for his sins. Please.

The best acting was, once again, Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart. The fact that I can watch them in this movie and not think of them as Gandalf or Picard even once puts me in awe of their skills. I adore them; they're perfect. Hugh Jackman was awesome, Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) was awesome, everyone else was pretty good at least. Aaron Stanford (Pyro) was right on the money by being slightly crazy and annoying. I also loved that Beast (Dr. Hank McCoy) has a cameo.

However, my favorite new character by far is Colossus. Not only does he have what is arguably the coolest effect in the movie, he's HOT. I could watch a two-hour movie of this Colossus running around without his shirt on, but at least I got a good five minutes or so. Damn, that is one sexy Russian farmboy. And somehow, he's written exactly right. He's barely in the movie, but what we see of him is so noble and self-sacrificing. He's so good. God, I'm getting choked up. When Colossus died in the comic book a few years ago, I cried. I miss Piotr.

The ending - blech. Later I was discussing the movie via AIM with Tracey, who'd also seen it, I said something about Jean not really being dead. She answered, "Too bad." These are my thoughts exactly.

The truth is that most true X-Men fans HATE Jean. We loathe her with a passion in all of her forms. We'd like to jump into the comic book, TV, or movie screen and punch her right in the face. That, I think, is what actually makes her an enduring character. But that doesn't mean we want X3 to be Jean-centric, which is how it seems to be headed. I like the Phoenix Saga and all, but it WILL NOT work as a movie. It is too sci-fi and off the wall. What, they're going into space to save the universe from the crazy Emperor of the alien Shi'ar Empire? It's too much. And if they don't follow this story, they're going against the comics, which I also will not like. There's no winning. It'll suck.

And yet, I still like X2. Go figure. And I'll see it again too.

VI. The Double Feature

There was another movie after X2. Phone Booth. It sucked. It felt short, but it still could've ended 30 minutes earlier. Kiefer Sutherland has the most annoying voice ever in it. And the ending was stupid and predictable.

VII. A Full Moon

Then we left and drove home, listening to Flogging Molly, an Irish punk band that I find I enjoy. Lafe mooned us when his car passed. I now must kill him, for that is a sight I never wished to see.

And that was my night. Damn, what a long entry.
:: Mac 10:13 AM [+] ::
The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

:: Mac 9:54 AM [+] ::

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