:: My Blog's Name is Jennifer ::

Do you truly know the mystery that is Mackenzie? Well, you will after reading this for a while. I've got a number of irrational fears that I'd like to share with you.
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:: Saturday, April 26, 2003 ::

Niana and I have decided - all men are either losers, doofus-faces, or gay. All men reading this should take time pondering just which one you happen to be.
:: Mac 8:55 PM [+] ::

Yes, everyone's favorite blog is one year old today. There's no use denying that she is the best and most beloved of blogs, because it's simply FACT. That is, until she started posting mere happenings of the day and not the weird musings like in the old days, but eh. Not enough time to think up decent stuff recently. Hopefully that will change this summer.

I really do appreciate having this blog. I like having an outlet for my emotions and frustrations, since it's incredibly hard for me to open up to anyone in real life. It's much easier to type here than actually say something out loud. Also, here I can actually write about things too weird for me to say outloud, and I say some pretty weird shit sometimes, so that's saying a lot.

In other news.

There's a killer sunset out right now. The ones back home get all fucked up because of the pollution, so they're not half as nice. We can see the stars here at night too. I miss home, but California definitely has its set backs. But I DO miss getting my comics EVERY WEEK rather than kinda sorta every once in a while. Oh, and the family too, I guess. And you schmoes I refer to as "friends."

X2 this Friday! Wooyay! Gets a double cry of happiness there. Here's hoping it's awesome.

I'm starting to feel sick, so let's cut this short.

Happy Birthday again, Jennifer old girl.

Here, have some cake.
:: Mac 5:37 PM [+] ::

Mirkwood Elf (Grey Elf) - You hail from the fair
realm of Mirkwood, ruled by King Thranduil, and
his son Legolas. You specialize in archery.

What kind of elf are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
:: Mac 5:23 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 ::
Oh, I forgot to tell this little story.

So Monday my friend Jimmy came back from his Easter trip and IMed me when he got back inside. At about that second, all these cars outside started honking like idiots. Being so clever, I IMed him with "Honk if Mackenzie's awesome..." Then the honking stopped for a minute, until I hear this one solitary honk. Jimmy'd gone back to his car to honk for me.

*sniff* I feel special. And awesome.
:: Mac 4:45 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 ::
Also, I actually did some writing tonight. Not for either of two papers that are due on Friday, oh no! That would be silly. Nope, I actually got up and did some fanfiction. If any of you have read "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, do me a favor and take a look at my newest baby:

"The True Test of Good"

Beware - it is slash, but very mild. No nancing about or perviness. For the time being.
:: Mac 10:11 PM [+] ::
Andy: I've got a proposition for you: why don't you come over here and write my Ancient Greece paper for me?
MizzMarvelUE: An unlikely proposition.
Andy: You're not a very willing participant in my proposition, so YOU are to blame, and, thus, should be the author of my paper
MizzMarvelUE: What will I get for this?
Andy: name it
MizzMarvelUE: The One Ring.
Andy: I think I've got that lying around here somewhere...
MizzMarvelUE: And a date with Legolas.
Andy: I actually have one, if you're interested (mnus the date). It came with my Middle Earth Risk
MizzMarvelUE: Will it give me evil powers?
Andy: You already have those. They came with the ovaries.
MizzMarvelUE: Those don't count.
Andy: How can those not count? Speaking from experience, they can make a man's life a living hell
MizzMarvelUE: But every women has them.
Andy: And every woman is uniquely evil
MizzMarvelUE: I suppose so.
Andy: It can't be denied. You hold the power.
MizzMarvelUE: Excellent.
Andy: It is man's position to hold The One Ring, not to rule the world, but so he can be on equal grounds with women. Oh, what power!

Speaking of which...

Pippin's my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

To read the hilarious "Very Secret Diaries" to which this is based, click here. Beware if slash (the romantic pairing of men in fanfiction) bothers you. But man, this is fun-ny. And I am most certainly a pervy hobbit fancier.
:: Mac 10:04 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, April 21, 2003 ::
I just watched Goonies for the first time with my friend Andy. God, I HATE Chunk! There's nothing good about him! He's a fat, ugly, annoying, unfunny, clumsy, stupid, loud little snitch! "Stick his hand in the blender, PLEASE!" I cried to the characters living in the tiny TV set, but alas, they did not heed my cries. I couldn't help but see Mikey as little Samwise. When they went into the waterfall cave, I yelled, "No, don't! Faramir's hiding in there to get you!" And later, when that girl kissed him, "What will Frodo say?!" Luckily, Andy's an LOTR fan, so he didn't mind my geekiness TOO much (I think).

Has anyone seen Conan do his impression of an LOTR fan? He sticks out his teeth, scrunches down his neck, and makes his eyes slit. "Go Frodo! Beware Gandalf! Terror lurks in the secret tower of gobble-goo!" The he pushes his pretend glasses up the bridge of his nose. Oh, it gets me every time.
:: Mac 9:38 PM [+] ::
I read Bri's latest entry early this morning, and I got off on this tangent thinking about it. Mostly, I got to considering the concept of moving out of the house.

In my opinion, people should be moving out of the house permanently by the age of 21, or until one graduates from college. Either or. And I don't mean the graduate school aspect of college. I mean once you get your BA, you're out the door with your little pink "Staying At Grandma's" suitcase packed up all nice and tidy like. Forever and ever. Gone.

Some people stay at home to help the family out somehow. Okay. That I respect. Or they're going to college nearby and it's cheaper to live at home. No problem. Makes perfect sense. But the lazy-ass idiots who merely stay at home because the food is free and the rent is non-existant...ARRGH! How annoying.

Look at it this way - move out for the sake of your younger siblings. You sticking around is just holding back your next-oldest sibling from ruling the roost for a little while. Your older siblings were willing to move out graciously and allow you a smidgen more power...why can't you? Or, if you're the oldest, you've been the head honcho for your whole life! You've been annoying your parents for years only to have them take it out of the young'uns. It's time for you to move on. And if you're the youngest, you REALLY must escape. The fact is, your parent(s) like having someone around to boss and bitch at, and will do anything to keep you around to do so. If you do not leave by the age of 21, you NEVER WILL. EVER.

Need I explain I have an older brother who lived with us up to the age of almost 26? No, don't think so.
:: Mac 4:41 PM [+] ::
First of all, I really should be writing my eight-page paper, but I'm stalling. I've only finished about two and a half pages. It's due Friday, so I still have some time.

Secondly, the fact that Larry's using one of my very favorite songs as his away message aggrivates me to no end.
:: Mac 4:08 PM [+] ::

Renton! *swoons* You're out of the toilet, moving on,
going straight and choosing life. Go you.

Which Trainspotting charactor are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I've done a very similar quiz before, but I can always use more Ewan.
:: Mac 4:06 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, April 17, 2003 ::
What a night, what a night, what a night.

First of all, today was the last day before Easter Break, so essentially all my friends left except for Niana. So I'm going to feel a little lonely this weekend. Also, I have no food and no way to get it. This could be quite a problem, I suppose. So I filled up on free food at Food Day at work. Yes, Food Day. I love my job so.

For whatever reason, I decided to join Niana and Laura for a night on the town. Now, I don't know Evansville very well. Haven't lived here long enough to really get a feel for it. But apparently, there are several dozen gay guys in town, and they all congregate together in two coffee houses. I was actually impressed by the density of gay men I came into contact with tonight.

But anyway, so we went to this one coffee house, where my friend Katie works. First we played some rockin' Chutes and Ladders with this guy Gordon, then some other guy, Mark, showed up and I played rummy for the first time in my life. I managed to win the second game. Then it was time for us to go to ANOTHER coffee house, which turned out to be closed. Wheee. So we drove over to this other one, where a massage train somehow started. I stayed the hell away from that. The nwe left.

At some point, I got to thinking, Why is this 34-year-old man (Mark) hanging out with a bunch of teenage girls? I think he's gay, so no reason to be found. Then I realized, the question I shoul be asking myself is why am I hanging out with a 34-year-old gay man. For which I have no answer either.

Oh, it all just boggles the mind.
:: Mac 9:59 PM [+] ::
All hail Mackenziea, fairest of Scandanavian island nations!

Yes, I took Beverly's advice and got me a nation state. If you go to the website, please take note of the book that was written by the guy who created the site. I really like the title.

Oh, and I guess take a look at our sister nation, Entwashia, too. It belongs to Marion.

Remember always the Entwash. But likely, you won't really even want to know what the hell we're talking about.
:: Mac 7:00 AM [+] ::
Great Dane!  You're Hamlet!
Great Dane! You're 'Hamlet!'

Which famous Shakespeare play are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

:: Mac 6:57 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, April 12, 2003 ::
Plans for this summer:

* Jamba Juice with Tracey

* Get Annie to drive me places, including Jamba Juice

* Accidentally leave Bri's car unlocked when we go to Jamba Juice

God I wish I had some jamba juice right now.
:: Mac 7:44 PM [+] ::
For those of you who are interested, this is my schedule for next semester:

MWF - Latin

MWF - Evolution of Rome

TTh - Greek and Roman Sculpture

TTh - Creative Writing

TTh - Archaeological Tech Skills

I can't remember most of the course numbers, but rest assured they're pretty high for the most part. I have two 300-level classes, two 200-level, and a lowly 100-level (Latin). I originally tried to register for Bio 100 instead of the Rome class, but I didn't get in! What the hell is that about?! I need it for fricking gen ed, and I couldn't get in! Arrrrrr. And I didn't get the Writing session I wanted, but that's okay. It works, I guess. Oh, and Tech Skills is like a six hour a week class. Yay.
:: Mac 10:12 AM [+] ::
Andy: I've got a surpri-ise
Mackenzie: What?
Andy: i'm not sure. you might have to come down and see
Mackenzie: Uh oh.
Mackenzie: You're going to have all your clothes on, right?
Andy: right
Mackenzie: Well...okay. I'll be right down.

To make a long story short, I just got done carrying a cardboard cut-out of the Hobbits up to my room. I can't believe he actually went out and got it for me. Now I have to somehow pay him back, which'll be hard since I have about no money to spare. We'll start off with my Student Discount Card - he can have that. Also, I will give him much help next year in the three classes we'll be in together. Okay. That works. I feel less guilty about getting a gift now.
:: Mac 9:52 AM [+] ::

John -
You are a tad bit introverted. You'd rather stay
at home than go out. You pride yourself on
independence. You wouldn't ask for help even
if you were drowning in a pool of your own
slobber. I'm sure you've had your run in with
drugs and the law. ( And if you haven't,
well..there's something to look forward to.)

Which Red Hot Chili Pepper Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
:: Mac 9:46 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, April 11, 2003 ::
Well, it's been a while since I updated, so I'll start from last Saturday.

I went to Cahokia Mounds at the border of Illionois and Missouri with Archaeology Club. We all had to be up and ready to go by 6 AM, and there were six necessary hours of time spent with one of my professors each way for the drive, but otherwise it was pretty cool. Cahokia is one of the biggest Native American archaeology sites and consists of the remains of a huge city. Obviously, there are mounds there, one of which, mOnks Mound, is 100 feet tall. So I climbed a 100 foot mound of dirt. I got tired. Fast. I seriosuly thought I was going to pass out. Yet, there were these little kids who were running around the top after the climb. I felt so old. Then we walked around and looked at stuff before heading on home. Mucho fun. I guess.

Then the week came, and some stuff happened that I planned on writing about, but I can't remember anymore. Jeez. It was just a damn long week. Uhhh. Well, I finally met someone who's read "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. I was so happy - it's SUCH a good book, and no one seems to know it when I ask about it. And yesterday I went to the mall with my pal Andy. I watched him buy a lot of stuff, including $17 worth of jelly beans. I got nothing but a peach smoothie. And oh, it was good.

Yesterday Larry and I ceased to be a couple. But I don't feel like talking about that so much.

Today was the Sunset Concert at my school, which had a Mardi Gras theme for some reason, even though we're no where near Mardi Gras and it was a while ago. But I ate some jambalaya, which was okay, but I like the real stuff. I ran into my other pal, Jimmy, and I ended up hanging around him for a while. We watched some stand-up with Niana, then we all went to the actual concert at 9.

I feel old again, because I made it a point to stand near the one set of bleachers so I can sit when I needed to. And oh, I needed to after about an hour. I was standing with Andy and Jimmy, and at least Andy sat down first, but he's also five years older than me and smokes like a Nazi. And he wouldn't buy me a shirt. First he woldn't buy me the LOTR cardboard cut-outs, then no shirt. Jeez, what a jerk. Well, I got a string of beads. So not a total loss.

In case you're wondering, the band was Better Than Ezra. I'm not a HUGE fan, but I like them all right. It was free, so it's not like I lost anything. But the lead singer was kind of corny, and they covered some weird songs (like Madonna and Mellencamp), but they played Good and Extra-Ordinary, so I'm happy. But practically deaf. My hearing's still a bit off. Bah. Oh well.

Tomorrow I better damn well get some new headphones.
:: Mac 9:13 PM [+] ::
I finally made a half-way decent quiz. Please take it and enjoy. ENJOY!! Thank you.

You are Jennifer!

What Comic Book Monkey Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

:: Mac 4:12 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, April 04, 2003 ::
I desperately want a livejournal/deadjournal so I can use this icon Marion sent me, but I could never abandon Jennifer. Curses. And I am far too html illiterate to just POST damn pictures right onto Jennifer either. I need to learn some things.
:: Mac 8:34 PM [+] ::
Thunder and lightning gone. Helping Tyler with his homework. Feeling pretty good.

Remembering I need to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow.

:: Mac 8:29 PM [+] ::
Aw, crap, lightning. Means in my paranoid mind, I MUST shut down the computer. Crap. Oh well. I should be getting ready for bed soon anyway- have to be up by 5:30 am anyway to see some mounds of dirt and bones.

Actually, this is about the worst lightning and thunder I've been witness to in quite some time.
:: Mac 7:17 PM [+] ::
On Wednesday, when my World Cultures professor arrived for class, I told him, "We're having class outside today."

"Oh, we are?" he inquired.


"How does that work?"

"We go outside and just have class. Sit on the grass or something."

"Okay, let's go."

And we did. What a beautiful day it was too. We made the school newspaper as a result - page five displays me and peers in apparent rapt attention. Yeah, right.
:: Mac 7:02 PM [+] ::
The phase "I love [insert name here] more than life itself" is so stupid. What does saying that really imply? I love a lot of things more than my own personal life. This piece of gum, for example. The stupid saying isn't impressive at ALL. Seriously, for it to mean ANYTHING coming out of my mouth, there'd have to be a few changes. Like, say, I love [something] more than giant pickles. You know, like those kind from Disneyland that sit around in big barrels. Ohhhh yeah. Or, I love [something] more than my complete collection of Gen-13 comics. TRUELY meaningful.
:: Mac 6:46 PM [+] ::
Interesting that these tornado warning things no longer faze me anymore. The first time around, I was slightly terrified. Now...eh. No big deal. Of course, mere warnings or advisories or whatever shouldn't REALLY freak anyone out. I'm just a wimp. But the very instant one actually touches down anywhere near me is the instant I'll need to buy a new pair of pants to replace the soiled ones. Mark my words. Or don't. Who am I to tell you what to do?
:: Mac 6:13 PM [+] ::

I'm Ross Gellar from Friends!

Take the Friends Quiz here.

created by stomps.

I think I'm running out of quizzes and am just retaking old nows now. Oh well. If I did this one already, I got a different result.
:: Mac 6:06 PM [+] ::

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