:: My Blog's Name is Jennifer ::

Do you truly know the mystery that is Mackenzie? Well, you will after reading this for a while. I've got a number of irrational fears that I'd like to share with you.
:: welcome to My Blog's Name is Jennifer :: bloghome | contact ::
:: after xavier ::
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:: kunal's insanity is contagious::
:: beverly's blog::
:: melissa's blog::
:: omar's journal::
:: jessi's journal::
:: annie's journal ::

:: Thursday, December 11, 2003 ::

Guys...I hate to have to do this, but after several months, I've finally realized that Jennifer is gone. She won't be updated anymore. It's not that she's dead so much as taking an early, permanent retirement.

I had over a year writing for Jennifer, but now I'm juggling two journals, and I lean heavily towards my LJ, which I update almost every day. It seems pointless to copy and paste entries to both. I never posted a link to it on Jennifer because of the distinct awareness that I often come off as a psycho on it. Now I just don't care.

If you're still interested in reading my daily musings, email me (see above) for a link, and I'll get it to you ASAP.

Jennifer, I'll miss you. We had some good times here. But luckily, I'll still visit you often, because you have a great links list. Adios.
:: Mac 11:03 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 ::
I have so much to do from now to the end of the year. At the moment, I have a test on Friday, a paper due on Monday, a poem to memorize by Tuesday, and another paper by December 5th. And I still can't make myself get started. I walk around with this giant knot in my stomach, and I still can't motivate myself.
:: Mac 6:20 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, November 13, 2003 ::
I've devoted myself to Rome. I get so much insight from the study of this great empire, and moreover, loads of humor as well. For example, let us examine in life and times of that great emporer, Pupienus.

What's that? How do I pronounce that name, you ask?


Poopy Anus.

I love Rome so very, very much.

Oh, and there's no need to really look at the life and times of Pupienus. He was only Emporer for a few months, then he died. The end.
:: Mac 7:41 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, November 08, 2003 ::
I really enjoy my little brother's away messages. They're sort of punny, based on things that're probably really old, but I never heard before.

Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you insult them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

Firefighter: At one point we decided to fight fire with fire... Well ...basically... your house burned even faster.

On his profile he states he's from "Anahizzle."

Oh, and I dyed my hair last night. It's now has a burgundy cast to it.
:: Mac 9:41 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 ::
I realized that with a minor adjustment, one of Randy's favorite sayings becomes a haiku.

Suck it you dumb bitch

Just what do you think this is

A HomeTown Buffet?

:: Mac 7:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, November 01, 2003 ::
I've been terrible about updating. Sorry, Jennifer. Forgive me?

I've just sort of been feeling apathetic about a lot of things lately. I still love school, and the subjects I'm studying, but for the most part I'm just really tired. If I were rich, or even comfortable in income, I'd consider taking a year off to travel and just relax, but no money for that. Money for an education is one thing, money to flush away is another.

I'm just tired of always being stressed. It may've been a mistake to join the LinC, but I like being involved with things, to a point. I probably prefer just laying around.

Oh, here's something I've been wondering about - accents. To California people say certain things differently from everyone else? I'm hearing non-CA people say that they pronounce it "worter" instead of "water" and "crick" instead of "creek," and so forth, but I can't think of anything specific just for us. Unfortunately, I'm of the opinion that perhaps we (as a whole) do say "like" more than others, but I happen to say it a lot, so maybe it's just me. Opinions on this, especially from college folks? I know I don't have a commenting system anymore, but you could always post on your own journal or whatnot.

On a final note - I love sunflower seeds.
:: Mac 9:36 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 ::

* Vans with ladders on the back
* Intense jealousy
* Bottled water that tastes like tap
* Screeching girls
* Arthritis
* Having a nervous stomachache
* Internal confusion
:: Mac 9:39 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, October 13, 2003 ::
Added a new link, to the webcomic "Boy Meets Boy," which is "Like the gay odd couple, only sexier." Damn straight. It's probably the best online comic out there, in fact, and it's really refreshing to see some hand-drawn art these days.

I spent most of my Fall Break reading about three years (I think) worth of old strips, in fact. A waste of time? Yeah, probably.
:: Mac 8:54 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 ::
I am really confused with how important the people in my life are to me.

I love my friends. The people here at school, who possibly make me feel more wanted, needed, and appreciated than any other group of people ever. As much as most of us strive to be unique, there is something so comforting about feeling a part of things, being one of the group. And there're you guys, my friends from the past, and still, I like to think, whom I have know for as long as since kindergarten (Melissa) and have so many memories, good and bad.

I have all these big feelings for people, yet most of you I haven't seen in over a year. There're other people I haven't seen or even spoken with in longer than that, John most notably, who I still consider good friends.

And as much as I care for you all, I wouldn't be overly sad about never seeing most of you ever again. There are a couple exceptions, you know who you are (I hope), but overall I am content with this connection of journals and blogs. Perhaps I shouldn't be. Perhaps they create an artificial feeling of continued closeness. I don't know.

I can let people into my life incredibly quickly, and consider them one of my best friends. And I can let them go just as easily.

Is this good or bad? I don't know again. I know for certain that, with the current arrangement, no one really knows me. I'm here, but I'm not, really. At the moment, I'm the joker, as I was somewhat in high school, always joking around. I want to stop, be serious sometimes, but I can't, a snide remark always falls from me instead. I can't stop it. Sometimes I wonder if anyone will ever take me seriously, the way I am.

I carry around this emptiness in me often, and the laughs I get fill it for a moment. And the people I know like this persona I have, they laugh at what I say. I can't say the things I need to say. There're things to me I've never spoken aloud, because I don't know if I'll be able to stop crying if I say them. And if I'm crying, I can't be joking, and the people won't be laughing.

I came the closest to talking with John. He said I could tell him anything, if I needed to. Now he's in the Air Force, married to a girl not good enough for him, and I haven't seen or spoken with him in over two years.

Well, this became not only rather stream of conscious, but depressing too. I don't understand. I was happy today, I thought.
:: Mac 7:50 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, October 04, 2003 ::
I went to my second frat party last night, since I was invited by Brandon. No, not as a date; I don't want to be implying things I don't mean to imply. But I went, and for the first half hour or so we watched the end of the Cubs game. Then they put on music and lots of girls started grinding and trying to dance all funky-like, except most of them had been drinking and none of them had any rhythm. I joined in with the mashed potato and cabbage patch at one point, but no one liked my moves. Then Emily and I started a two-person wave, but it didn't go so well.

We stayed for 45 minutes so we could say we stayed for "like an hour." Like an hour indeed...except NOT! Hahaha!

Then we went to eat some McDonalds, looked into a very deep hole in the ground, and watched "Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead," possibly the greatest Christina Applegate film to date.

Full night. I am tired. Must start writing this paper, MUST.
:: Mac 10:27 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, October 03, 2003 ::
Archaeologists are geeks. And that's why I love them so. We're all very much alike in that manner, that is to say, we're very weird at times.

Yesterday in our Surveying class, while setting up our theodolites we somehow got into a discussion of whether Emperor Hadrian ever did the bottoming with Antinous. I mentioned that it would be great if we could find Hadrian's journal so we didn't have to wonder. My pal Brandon goes:

"Oh yeah. Like, 'Dear Diary, Today I got it up the ass from Antinous. It was good. I think I'll make him a god.'"

Then there was silence as we all turned and found the teacher (not an arch guy) giving us the weirdest look.

Today at dinner I was sitting and talking to Emily. we ending up watching another table full of Arch majors playing with bananas - no, not that way, filthy people. Chris held it up to his ear like a phone, then used it as a hook. Arvey made his a gun and shot us. But what made me burst out laughing loudly like an idiot was this other guy, Philip, whom I don't really know, taking two bananas, holding them up to his head, and saying in a bad British accent, "Hello, I'm Prince Charles."

I realize that none of this translates well to Jennifer.
:: Mac 5:04 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 ::
Mostly because I was bored and looking to avoid studying for my quiz, I went and looked at an adoption website Omar linked to on his xanga.

I looked at two states worth of kids and I want to take home every one. It hurts. It hurts to look at these kids who need someone to love them, and know you can do nothing to help. Almost all of them said basically the same thing - they just want a family that would love them, take care of them, keep them safe. That makes me want to cry! Why the hell are people spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to give birth to a dozen one-pound babies at a time when these kids need someone right now?

I look at these kids, and I see myself. I was so close to being one, it's scary. I can see myself in one of those profiles - "Mackenzie is a bright, well-mannered girl who likes school. She wants permanent family who will love and take care of her. She would like to keep in contact with her birth sibling."

Someday, I'm going to adopt.
:: Mac 7:58 PM [+] ::
Oh, and if anyone cared - I did fine on my midterm. My friends, good enough, not quite so fine. From now on I study alone, though.

Another midterm on Friday. Latin. Very terrifying. I'm not a so good the Latin. Puella est magna mala.

Jeez, I don't even know if THAT'S correct. I doubt it. Jeez. I have to study, HAVE to, but of course I have a quiz tomorrow too. Same prof. THOMAS!!
:: Mac 11:29 AM [+] ::
I think I was almost asked to a frat party yesterday, but alas, I blew it. See, with this particular frat, they ask you a very important question to see if you're worthy of entering their house. If you answer wrong, you don't get the invite.

"Do you drink?" they asked.

"Uh, no," I answered.

Stupid me.
:: Mac 11:26 AM [+] ::
As of tonight I will no longer have a roommate. Mine will be moving in with one of her hometown friends. I don't exactly feel sad, though not elated either. She's very nice and all, no trouble whatsoever, but we're just very different people with nothing in common. She's a very normal person, and while I realized long ago that I am not an average girl (and I don't mean "not average" as "above average", merely not usual), sometimes it makes me feel a little off. Now I will be able to put my Hobbits cardboard cut-out in the place I want it, prominant in the room, and can put up the awesome Legolas/Legoland poster Tracey made me and not feel creepy.

I'm hoping beyond hope that consolidation will not occur, so I can have my own room without the cost of being a single. Maybe there just won't be anyone who needs a roommate in the dorm or wants to move to this one. Please. Please please please. I'm tired of MTV being on so much, dammit. My TV misses the History Channel. No more sharing, none.

Yet, I will miss the refrigerator immensely.

:: Mac 11:23 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, September 27, 2003 ::
I'm going to try to update more. I just keep telling myself I'm too busy, despite the fact I spend several hours a day online avoiding the things I should be busying myself with. Here goes.

I have decided that studying with friends is a waste of time. I love my friends dearly and enjoy spending time with them - and you - all, but it's not the best way to go about things. I only just learned this Thursday night, studying for my Evolution of Rome (a 300 level history class) midterm.

My fellow Archaeology sophomores Emily, Andrew, and I decided to meet in the library so we could study together. We set about constructing timelines to guide us, but it was way too easy to chat and waste time. Eventually, I actually finished mine, and wandered away to procure a book I'd seen the day before. Handing it to Andrew, I told him he could learn something from it. It's title was The Reign of the Phallus.

This book was filled with little pictures of ancient Greek porn, accompanied with interesting captions. One was "Woman offering wine and sex to a mule." This caused Andrew to start laughing so hard his face turned bight red. His reaction made me start laughing so hard I cried. Emily laughed at me so hard that she was holding her sides.

It felt lovely to laugh 'til it hurt. But that didn't help our studying. After about two and a half hours, we'd accomplished little. Surprisingly, lazy me got the most done. They went to go see Matrix Reloaded. I studied for another hour and in the morning. We're a little iffy about what we expect our grades to be.

In any case, never again.

:: Mac 4:51 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, September 22, 2003 ::
The big news from back home, apparently, is that my dad brought home a rosy boa some guy found at his work. For those of you not hip to this lingo, rosy boa = big ass snake. I'm sure as hell glad I'm here and not there. Snakes are not my favorites. So anyway, my mother, father, and brother all told me seperately about this occurence. Now the geniuses have no where to put it, and the pet store won't take wild snakes. If any of you would like a big ass snake for free, email me, and I'll take care of it.

I also expanded my little family here in Indiana. I am now the keeper of a pretty beta fish. His name is Lovely Rita. Yes, my fish has a girl name. He's a drag queen, okay? Please do not discriminate against my fish's lifestyle of choice.

Finally, I got my voter stuff for the recall election in the mail today. I plan on putting in an absentee vote. It's exciting, the fact that this, the most stupid and pointless of elections, will be the first I've ever voted in. Yet, the names 'Larry Flynt' and 'Gary Coleman' on the list of candidates is slightly sickening. It's one thinf to talk about it, quite another to see it legitimate and in print.
:: Mac 8:23 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, September 12, 2003 ::
Tonight I went out with a bunch of female friends - Emily, Jill, Lucia, Nina, and a friend of Lucia - to see Once Upon A Time In Mexico. Good movie. Johnny was fairly awesome, as was Antonio and Willem Dafoe. I didn't know Enrique Iglesias was in it, and dammit, he wasn't too bad! I saw some fine slash opportunities with him, in fact. Interestingly - for a movie with Mexico in the title, very few of the main characters were portrayed by Mexicans. Antonio and Enrique are Spanish. Willem is...white. I don't know why that bothered me.

There was a lot of giggling whenever Johnny came on. We all clapped at a certain part at the end for him.

Afterwards, Lucia and her friend wandered away and the rest of us went to eat Chinese food. We did not know that Jill was a vegetarian, so we made fun of her constantly for it. Then we started putting her through all these crazy scenarios:

"If the cow was going to eat you if you didn't eat it, would you?"

"If a chicken pecked out your mother's eyes, would you eat it for revenge?"

"If this chicken called Johnny Depp a (expletive)(expletive), what would you do?"

She didn't care for that very much.

The night finished with some Dairy Queen and a visit to Wal-Mart. What a full night. I need a nap.

:: Mac 8:21 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, September 07, 2003 ::
So I went to my first frat party last night, prosaically named "Kumonawonalaya" (say it out loud). Boring, for the most part, but probably because I was the one running around taking names for the photos that'd been taken. A big scary guy in overalls did try to crash, and security had to take him away. That was interesting. And I got splashed several times when walked around the pool they'd set up. Otherwise, not a whole lot interesting. I guess a frat party requires alcohol to be fun, and that's something that stayed upstairs, where cameras aren't allowed.
:: Mac 8:54 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, September 06, 2003 ::
My first LinC thingy wasn't so bad. It was for this cooking contest at school, which means that I'm terribly full at the moment. Basically, I just followed the photographer around for several hours and asked the names of the people she pointed to. Easy enough. Tonight I have to do the same thing, but at a frat party of all things. Never been to one. Never thought I would.
:: Mac 3:44 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, September 05, 2003 ::
Another death at Disneyland, I see. And Big Thunder Mountain, no less! Here I was, finally feeling brave enough to ride the damn thing, and it falls apart.

I feel for the man who died and his family, of course, but also the ROs. Here they are, doing their job, and someone gets killed. I don't know how I'd react if I'd had to see one of my riders die, even if it wasn't my fault at all. How horrifying.
:: Mac 4:00 PM [+] ::
I went ahead and joined UE's yearbook staff as a section assistant. That means, essentially, that I have a myriad of tasks, including write, fact check, gather names, and come up with story ideas. I have a meeting every Sunday to attend and will have to work two Saturdays a month. In exchange for this, I get one credit hour, $50 a month, and the prestige of having my picture on the wall and name in the LinC.

I'm not sure how well I'll adjust to this. Obviously, it cuts into my lay around time a bit. I'll have to miss the Simpsons for the meetings, and requires that I talk to random people, which I generally dislike doing. Hmmm. I curse the fact that I already have to build up my extracuriculars for when I apply to grad school.

Ah well. I've already made my bed; too late to do anything about it now.
:: Mac 2:25 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, August 31, 2003 ::
Analysis of my classes:

1. Latin - Latin is hard, it seems. It's been five years since I started learning my last language, and I've forgotten the initial difficulty of the task. At least, it's hard when working from the text's instructions. Maybe the prof's clarification will help me out. Also, studying my notes, which I haven't.

2. Rome - I like it. But I like Rome, so where's the surprise? I'm also surrounded by Arch buddies in this class, so we're total smart asses and probably annoying the prof, but I figure that's what I'm best for, so I'm not likely to stop.

3. Writing - I think I'll be enjoying this class, and it seems like it won't be too hard, or have too much work.

4. Greek/Roman Scuplture - Lots of reading. About 100 pages per class. I'll have to write a 12-15 page paper late on. Scary, even though I've gotten close; the longest one I've written was eight pages. Oh well, it's a 300-level, what can I expect?

5. Surveying - The teacher is not a prof, but a private engineer of sorts, and while the classes will be long, there seem to be no tests. Homework, yes, and reading, but no tests. Hurrah! Teach doesn't seem too serious about it (he commented about this the class interfering with his "beer time"), so I'm not going to get too worried. My pal Andrew turns out to be supposedly good in math, so I'll just be depending on him very heavily. No big, I think (and hope).

That is all.
:: Mac 8:33 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, August 30, 2003 ::
Hey, what's this pop-up here? What, a "Kristine" likes to make new friends, and she wants me to go take a look at her webcam? Having fun with some friends of hers, eh? Well, gee whiz, I like new friends and fun too! Let's have a looksy.

Dopey dopey dope.

:: Mac 6:48 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 ::
I am now in Indiana and preparing for the first day of class tomorrow. Here's my schedule, for those who care about it:

MWF - 9:00 am - Latin 111
MWF - 12:00 pm - Evolution of Rome
TT - 9:30 am - Writing 205
TT - 11:00 am - Greek/Roman Sculpture
TT - 2:00 pm - Engineering 283

I wasn't too worried about this load when I first signed up for it, but now I am. Latin won't be so bad I think, except the professor's a little tough. He also teaches the sculpture class, which is 300 level and will be scary. Writing probably won't be a big deal, and the Rome class I'll most likely really enjoy. Now, the Engineering class...I opened up the textbook yesterday and found, lo and behold, A WHOLE BUNCH OF FRIGGIN' TRIG! Lord have mercy!

That scares me.
:: Mac 5:15 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, August 22, 2003 ::
Fare thee well, California suckers! I'm off to Indiana, where the people are liberal, the beaches are pristine, and there's all the free sushi you can eat!

Oh wait, it has none of those things. I'm going to have to ponder this "going away to college" thing more thoroughly.
:: Mac 6:19 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 ::
Tonight I went to Hollywood with the Mom to see Producers. I was a little uneasy about it, seeing as I'm the cheapest person on Earth and tickets seem insanely expensive, but OH MY GOD.

It was, by far, the BEST musical I have ever seen. And I've seen a good few in my day, thank you.

I don't believe I've ever had the privilege of watching a production with absolutely perfect casting before, but I really couldn't find any fault in them. I'm not really a Jason Alexander fan myself, but he was great. Now, Martin Short I adore, and I already want to marry him for creating Primetime Glick, but this just cemented my love.

The biggest queen, Carmen Guia, stole the show whenever he was around. No question. He also looked quite nice in tight pants.

This made me miss the old days, when I'd go to Redondo Beach with my dad and see a new musical every month. Also, believe it or not, it made me miss acting. I hold no illusions about having much talent, but it was fun other than the humiliation and apathy rampant in the other actors.

I ended up buying a shirt stating "I Wanna Be A Producer" (I refrained from getting the one that says "Keep It Gay") and the original Broadway soundtrack. I would've kinda preferred one with the actors I saw singing, but ah will. This is damn good still.

Quote of the night, from my mother (who slept thru lots of the first act O_o):

"I've never seen so many Jewish and gay people in one place."

My mother hasn't been to Hollywood in a while, I guess.
:: Mac 12:28 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, August 18, 2003 ::
I finally saw Seabiscuit yesterday. It was pretty good, though I was honestly a bit disappointed - rather slow in some parts. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the voice-over bits, where it felt like a documentary. It was a clever way of giving historical background and reinforcing the fact that it's based on a true story, but a lot of the time it took away from the other fact, that it was a MOVIE, for goodness sake. Nothing wrong with the acting, though, and this just reinforces my belief that Tobey Maguire is one of the best actors of our time.

Now, once my grandpa went to a poker game or something of that nature, and met one of the others jockeys who participated in Seabiscuit's last race. Politely, Grandpa noted that he probably heard this question all the time, but did he think he could've won the race that day instead of the Biscuit? The jockey responded:


According to him, everyone was aware that'd be the popular horse's last race, and it'd been made clear to everyone that Seabiscuit was going to win it.

It's quite possible that this was just a tale told by a jealous competitor. However, I can see truth in this too.

Seabiscuit was probably the most popular racehorse of remembered history. The public wants a good ending to those they love, something to make them sigh and feel content. Any other horse would've been reviled if it'd beat the Biscuit. It just would've been a case of giving the public what they want.

Moreover, the book on which Seabiscuit is based exaggerates. The author claims that more news items were published about the horse in so-and-so year than any other public figure. This is a blatent lie. In the thirties, FDR and the New Deal programs got way more news coverage than anything else in America. Moreover, in Europe a certain guy named Hitler was starting to shake things up. Seabiscuit was certainly in the news a lot, but it was really no contest. Now, if the book contains such lies, how can its accuracy be trusted at all?

Still a decent movie though.
:: Mac 11:57 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, August 17, 2003 ::
I leave for Indiana very early Friday morning, so anyone desiring to hang out before then should probably email me to make plans pretty soon, especially considering that my mom seems to want to spend every second with me until then. Please, save me.
:: Mac 9:31 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, August 10, 2003 ::
I am no longer an employee of Knotts Berry Farm. Today was my last day, and to show for my nearly two months work, I have some money saved, a Four Cornerstone pin, and a little more confidence.

All in all, it was a decent job. It could get very hot under the sun all day in that costume, and often people were jerks. But my co-workers were, for the most part, cool. Also, I finally figured out that I do like children. I was caught between hating them and liking them for a really long time, but I know now that, while some kids are horrible, there's a greater percentage of wonderful kids than wonderful older people.

I will especially miss the cheap Boysenberry Punch.
:: Mac 10:40 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, August 09, 2003 ::
You know, on any given day, I think up many possible Jennifer entries. Interesting ones, too. Thought-compelling ones. Then I update with stuff like this:


5. CountryTime lemon flavor drink
4. Knott's Boysenberry Punch
3. Sonic's Limeade
2. Gatorade (all flavors)
1. Hawaiin Punch (Original Fruit Juicy Red)

I put way too much time into preparing this list.
:: Mac 12:18 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, August 01, 2003 ::
It's hard for me to distinguish the difference between a mere crush and something deeper verbally. I mean, I know the difference when I like someone's features and when I actually like the person. Yet, for the most part, I still act the same way around these guys - sort of striving for attention.

It has something to do with anticipation. With a simple crush, the person is the most important thing in the world - while he's in the room. Outside of his prescence, his existence really doesn't effect one's life as a whole. He walks in the room, he lights up your whole world for a few minutes...the end.

When the feelings are deeper, there's this overwhelming need to interact with this person, or at least see him. Maybe it doesn't last forever, but at least it's a sign that somethign real could be there.

I remember when I first met John, my whole day was spent waiting for 5th period. It was during those 50 minutes I could be with him, talk to him, just absorb his wonderfulness. I was almost giddy when Drama would start.

One day, he was just the new guy in Drama, James' friend. The next, I adored him. I have no idea what caused this change.

This time, I know very clearly.

There are a lot of male flirts at work; one just in general, one old-fashioned kind, another often blatently sexual harrassing girls. In short, there's a lot of attention to be had, which I like quite a bit. I get called pretty. That's nice. I get a kiss blown at me. How lovely. I get my butt stared at. Hell, even that's flattering.

There's someone else, and he's nothing like those at all. He's nice, easy to talk to, friendly, smart. He knows who Whilce Portacio is. He says hi everytime he sees me, and at lunch he eats with me if we're both off. He has a fondness for saying "Boo." And I like him, of course. That's all.

Then the other day, as I'm walking out of work to go home, he breaks ahead of the others he's with and puts his head on my shoulder for a few moments. I touch his hand. We chat for a minute, then I keep going my way, and he goes another.

The next day, I'm looking for him, hoping for him to appear. This feels familiar.

The 10th is my last day at work.

In other words, I need to get over this quickly.
:: Mac 10:04 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 ::
I just talked to my new roommate, Mallory, a transfer student from southern Indiana. She seems nice enough. Normal. It's hard to talk to someone you don't know on the telephone, but hopefully we'll get along all right.
:: Mac 7:00 PM [+] ::
I was scared to death of actually working the High Sierra Ferris Wheel at work, because it's a little complicated. So I was able to avoid doing it for about a month, ever since my training ended. I lived in fear of that ferris wheel. But yesterday, I finally was forced to learn it. Now every ride in myy area is an option to work and not be scared.

Today I was awarded the Four Cornerstone pin, meaning I demostrate the four points that make Knotts employees shien or whatever - Service, Courtesy, Cleanliness, and Safety, which rest on the base of Integrity. Mostly b.s., I know, but not everyone gets one. A lot of ROs who've been there longer than me don't have one yet, so it means a lot to me.

I also got the papers to put in my two weeks notice today.

It sucks that just as I really get the hang of my job, I have to let it go.
:: Mac 5:59 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, July 19, 2003 ::
It took two and a half hours to drive to San Diego due to traffic. The lines were horrible. I didn't get to meet everyone I wanted to. I came home with a huge headache. And yet, was going to Comic-Con International worth it?

Damn straight.

Here is a list of people I saw:

* Kevin Smith (actor/director/writer, Silent Bob)
* Matt Groening (creator of The Simpsons, Futurama, and Life in Hell)
* Al Jean (producer of The Simpsons and former writer for it, creator of the Critic)
* some other Simpsons guys
* Dan Carridine (the kung fu guy)
* EG Daly (the voice of Tommy from the Rugrats and a whole lot of other shows' voice actress)
* the kid from The Neverending Story
* Kate Beckinsale (some actress...meh)
* Richard Roxburgh (the Duke from Moulin Rouge!, M from LXG, Dracula in upcoming Van Helsing)
* the director of The Mummy (and Van Helsing)

And now, for the big three...


It hurt my very soul to be in the same room as these gentlemen, breathing the very same air as them, and not get close. Sean Astin was there too, but I didn't spot him. Nevertheless, I managed to get some pictures by alluding security a bit and edging as closely as I dared.

And I will always regret not asking Hugh during the Van Helsing Q&A to please take off his shirt.

Oh, and some girls called Halle Berry and Angelina Jolie were around too, but I didn't see them. I only heard the commotion. Also, too many others to remember.

Here's a list of people I actually met, and I'm using the term as loosely as I can:

* Brian Posehn (Kevin from Just Shoot Me!, stand up comic; was the first celebrity spotted, being pulled by rickshack to the Con)
* Diamond Dallas Page (wrestler; took my dad's picture with him)
* Rowdy Roddy Piper (another wrestler...these were for Dad...)
* Sandra Hope (an inker for Gen 13 and other things)
* Yanick Paquette (penciller for Gambit and Gen 13)
* Leonardo Fernandez (um, I don't know, but he's a penciller, and a damn fine one)
* Michael Jantze (cartoonist, The Norm)
* Chris Browne (cartoonist, Hagar the Horrible, Raising Duncan)
* Bruce Timm (Warner Brothers animation producer, Batman, Batman Beyond, et cetera)
* Frank Cho (artist, Liberty Meadows)
* Tim Sale (penciller, Spider-Man Blue, Daredevil Yellow, Superman For All Seasons, et cetera)
* Adam Hughes (penciller extraordinaire)
* Jeph Loeb (writer, Batman, millions of other books)
* Ale Garza (penciller, Gen 13, Teen Titans)
* Neil Gaiman (writer/novelist, Sandman, Good Omens, et cetera)
* STAN LEE (Mr. Marvel, nearly ran into me)

Besides these thrilling events, I got a cool T-Shirt and lots of souvenirs. Ale gave me a cool Batman poster, signed, and gave me an autograph and a great sketch of Burnout (my favorite Gen 13 character). Yanick gave me a Roxy sketch without my even asking (kinda wishing I'd asked for Gambit now though...) I'm going to pretend the Hughes sketch is of me, that Sale's Batman doesn't look just like the one he did for my dad, and that Cho's little drawing of Truman the Duck had taken more than three seconds.

Who were the coolest people to meet? Well, the Stan Lee incident made my heart race - my hero, in the flesh, brushing past me. I snapped a photo of the back of his head (he's balding less than Kevin Smith).

Yet, of all the people, my highlights were:

Ale Garza, who was good enough to give me all that stuff and take time out from doing a paid commission to sketch and ink a character whom he doesn't even draw. (And he's cute...)

Jeph Loeb, whom I was able to intelligently ask a question and get a good response to. ("Is there any chance we'll see Kaboom again?" Abridged answer - "Sure, a chance.")

And Chris Browne, who told me I made his night for mentioning that I loved Raising Duncan. Sure, he does Hagar, but RD is his baby, about his life, and based on his Scottie dog who's recently passed on. He sketched both Hagar and Duncan for me in red Sharpie.

I am so tired. That is all.

Tracey, I took many a photo of Hugh for you (at a distance). Okay, and maybe for me too.

Will I be back next year?


:: Mac 11:00 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 ::
I was plagued by many strange dreams last night, most of which I can no longer remember. One of them may have been about La Bomba from the Max Weinberg 7 (Late Night's house band) commiting a horrible murder. Why does my brain do this to me?

In another, which actually had some sense to it, I was dating a famous musician (famous in my dream, at least). At one point, I was watching him at a concert, and when he was singing a happy love song he'd throw "Mackenzie" into the chorus. Later, I got worried that he was getting bored with me, so I went to a witch and got a small vial of love potion. But I was scared that the potion would kill him or something, so I went around trying to get people to test it. But they'd always lose their nerve, and in the process more and more of the potion would be spilled. Finally, a little girl is brave enough to try it, and it works! Unfortunately, it's the very last of potion that she samples. The bottle is empty, and because of my distrust I may've lost the guy's love forever.

That's actually a pretty good story. Hooray for my unconcious mind workings.
:: Mac 9:51 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, July 14, 2003 ::
I saw The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen last night. There may be spoilers ahead.

Okay, first of all, I loved this movie. Most people may not know it, but LXG is a comic book, written by the same guy who wrote the From Hell series (and also later a decent movie). And it's excellent in that it's got all those comic book elements in it - bigger than life characters, unbelievable action, et cetera - without being obvious about it. The acting is sound, the story and artistic direction is beautiful, and for once the story is actually awesome. And the action at times is amazing.

The story essentially is that this masked man called The Phantom is attacking various European nations in 1899, trying to insight a world war so the weapons he is producing will be bought by everyone. As panic begins to ensue, an agent of Britain runs off to Africa in order to recruit Alan Quartermain, an aging adventurer, to lead a team of extraordinary individuals and stop the guy. Later, he's introduced by the mysterious M to the other members of the League - Mina Harker (a scientist with a secret), Rodney Skinner (a gentleman thief who happens to be invisible), and Captain Nemo (who has a cool car and a neat boat).

Soon, they're busy recruiting Dorian Gray (a handsome dandy with a secret or two as well) and Dr. Jekyll (encumbered by Mr. Hyde). A young American agent called Sawyer tags along for the ride, and they set off to Venice, where many interesting things happen. Oh yeah, and there might be a traitor among them.

Now, everyone one of these characters mentioned, along with several other minor ones, is a literary character from the nineteenth century. Alan Quartermain, the original Indiana Jones. Mina Harker, a certain Mr. Jonathan Harker's wife. The Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyll, Captain Nemo, duh. Dorian Gray is the creation of my beloved Oscar Wilde (and played essentially as a Wilde impression, which is appropriate considering that the author always indentified with that character).

The problem with this is that not everyone is overly familiar with classic literature. It took the audience until Dr. Jekyll introduced himself to get who he was, even though Quartermain had called him Mr. Hyde a dozen times already. The film needed to be a little more blunt in stating who these people are exactly. I didn't know who Quartermain was; I had to look it up. M is a character (though I won't say who), but I don't think it's ever stated outright who, though it's certainly alluded to. The most obvious one, I believe, is Agent Sawyer - sure, they call him Sawyer a few times, but do they ever make it clear that he's Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain's boy? No. I wish they had.

I'll also state here that I believe the marketing was all wrong for this movie. It emphasized only Sean Connery (Quartermain). Yes, he's the only super-star in the film, but one should've also considered two others - Stuart Townshend (Dorian) and Shane West (Sawyer). I will be blunt - these guys are hot. I appreciated their prescence immensely, and I'm sure other women and girls would too, if they knew they were even in the movie! They're barely in the ads at all, and I was looking for them. No, it was all about Connery, who just isn't my cup of tea, personally.

Ohhh man, those boys were nice to look at. Dorian in his suit? Mm. Sawyer, in his hat? And he walked around with his suspenders down too, like Randy used to. Haha. My only problem was that Dorian Gray of the book would've much rather kissed any of the men in the League than Mina, if you catch my drift.

Anyway, other than those bits, I enjoyed this film a great deal. I recommend it - lots of tongue-in-cheek humor, great action and special effects, and an actual, intelligent story. A film that literary geeks like me can enjoy, along with folks who've only ever read TV Guide.

Damn, I want to see it again.

:: Mac 9:34 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, July 09, 2003 ::
Some of you Loara High School alums have probably heard that the school's mascot ("the Saxons") may get changed. Why? Apparently, a Saxon is a poor representation of the wonderful people of Northern Europe, a stereotype. At least, that's how I understand the problem.

I think this is about the stupidest thing ever, considering that there really WERE Saxons/Vikings who were vicious people at times. Also, I really doubt many people actually believe the modern people of Scandinavia walk around with huge swords and horned helmets.

I've heard from an unreliable source that a possible alternative is "the Sharks." Not only is that lame, but it's also the name of one of the gangs in "West Side Story." You know, that movie with the dancing gang bangers? Yeah. Lame. And what would happen to the Sammy Saxon statue? Put a big fin on his head and a snorkle and goggles on his face? I don't think so.

Instead, we need to make Sammy Saxon more universally ethnic-friendly.

Petition to have his name changed to Samuel L. Saxon.

That has to work.
:: Mac 9:23 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, July 05, 2003 ::
I'm going to explain this, but only this once. If it makes no sense, sorry, but you'll have to deal.

I am an extremely private person, and I value being left alone a great deal. This is surprising considering I have an online journal, but it's true. A lot of my time I like to spend by myself, which most people really don't understand. I used to sit under a tree by myself and eat lunch in junior high; when I'd explain that it was the only time that I could really be alone, the other kids thought I was lying and just didn't have friends.

But dammit, I just wanted to be left alone. And I still do. There are very few people, friends or family, who I can tolerate interacting with on a regular basis. This doesn't mean I don't like other people or don't want to spend time with them at all. Just in moderation, as are the doses I take of the real world.

Even talking to people via the Internet can be too much for me. The same people I can keep close are the same people I IM often, more or less. I don't like to feel as if I HAVE to talk to someone for several hours a day, online or otherwise.

Maybe I should tell people when they're bothering me, but I often don't. I have no backbone sometimes. Instead, I start feeling overwhelmed and resentful of the other person. That's one of many faults of mine. I don't WANT to be resentful. I don't want to eventually HATE the person because they innocently annoy me. So I avoid talking to them at all costs. Simple as that.

Then again, I also feel overwhelmed when people feel jealous over celebrity crushes, get upset over plans several years in the future, and unsuccessfully try to deceive their others and find out info about them. Joking? An accident? I'm a cynic.

No, ex-girlfriends don't transform into bitches. They act how they feel finally; if that's "bitchy", I'm sorry. Then I was always a bitch, and you just didn't see. But it seems to me that a classic bitch is a girl who knows what she wants and doesn't mind saying it.

I'm trying very hard to spare feelings. I don't like hurting people; I've been hurt enough in my life to know how it feels. But I also don't want to be unhappy.

Congratulations on becoming a prick and insulting me on your lj. I'm still trying not to hate you, but you've made it that much harder. FYI, bitterness is not attractive. I still wish you the best on your future love life, so you might want to follow that advice.

Now please do my a favor and leave me the hell alone before my feelings get worse.

P.S. I'm also sorry you apparently don't get my humor. But of course, you're not the only one.
:: Mac 12:46 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, July 03, 2003 ::
I should also mention that I have updated my recommended list, deleting sites that I no longer visit often or ones for which I have little hope of ever seeing get updated. That included a few blogs, unfortunately. If Phillip decides to pick his up again, please let me know.

I also added a couple. Go take a looksie.
:: Mac 11:38 PM [+] ::
Long day of shopping with my mother, then Annie and Betty, in which I bought the following:

* a lovely little book with sketches by "Sam Gamgee"
* black rollerball pens
* colored pencils
* food
* drink
* free Big Red gum

I also chatted with Bri a bit when we went to go get Betty at the pool, and got a couple good hugs from Chris. (I almost typed Kiss. Freudian slip? O_o) Later, I witnessed the death of a kitten and the subsequent bathings of others. All in all, a full day.

And I must say this:

It was the first time that we met.
How could I forget?

Et cetera.
:: Mac 11:35 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 ::
I've worked eight days STRAIGHT, and I am tired. Cursed Knotts and its tendancy to transfer Camp Snoopy ROs to other rides at any given moment. Every other ride complains about not getting enough hours, and I'M working almost every day. I thought this was supposed to be part-time!

One more work day until my day off...one more work day until my day off...
:: Mac 10:15 PM [+] ::
Dear World:

Stop using my name. For many years, the only Mackenzie anyone had ever heard of was Mackenzie Philips, and that was fine with me. Sure, people continually thought it was my last name, but at least it's pretty and WAS somewhat unique. Now it seems that every baby girl being shot out of her mother's womb is being named Mackenzie or some spelling varient thereof. Even Kenzie, the nickname I've endured since infancy and came to hate, has been seen to grace various little girls and even a Barbie doll. And I don't like it.

I am in an awkward position here. I'm old enough that my peers still think my first name's my last, while young parents and children are pretty used to it. It's on its way to being OVER-used, in fact, and I no longer feel special. It's even being used with regularity for pets. I was told that Mackenzie is a very popular name for sled dogs in Alaska, for example. How do you think that makes me feel? Even my own great-grandma named her cat "Kenzie", though that was so she'd be able to remember its name.

Also, need I mention the Mackenzie River in Canada?

To make matters worse, there was once a tennis player named Dorothy Mackenzie Walton. There is a MacKenzie-Walton Company. At least two other girls in the state of California alone have the same name as me, sans the middle one.

Anyone older than me named Mackenzie is okay. They have a right to the name. But I'm going to have to ask that every other person/animal in the United States at least change it legally. Might I suggest Lauren or Amanda? Those names are already over-used as it is, so it won't be a big change.

I know it's a hassle, but do me a favor. I'll owe you one.

Please send evidence of name change to me via e-mail. Thank you.

-- Mackenzie (the one and only, except for Mackenzie Philips)
:: Mac 9:32 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, June 26, 2003 ::
Long ago I used to read the Wizard weekly email dealie. Wizard is the leading comics-related magazine, by the way, which I still read, showing quite clearly what a geek I am - comics themselves aren't enough; I need the comics NEWS! But anyway, it used to have a weekly "Top Ten", in which they would give a subject, and the readers would email in their answers in hopes of them getting chosen.

So, anyway, I found this lurking around the Net, and I thought I'd post it here. If any of you know anything about wrestling, you know how dated this is.

*The Top 10 Ways Things Would be Different if the WWF Ran the Comics Biz*

10) How would things be different? Spandex is spandex. (DarkGob)

9) Superman with his red Speedo... cape...and nothing more! (P0gob0y)

8) Young Justice would be saying, "Suck it!" (Danszig77)

7) Steel Cage Match to see who would win in a fight: Avengers or JLA. (Dobbler1)

6) Thor would turn in his enchanted hammer in lieu of the mystic folding chair. (BKimHI@lava.net)

5) All the big crossovers would end in a giant Pay-Per-View Special! (JHogan3679)

4) All superheroes would refer to themselves in third person, and they would refer to their villanous counter-parts as "roody-poo candy asses." (XTheNewGod)

3) "Give me a hell yeah!" would replace 'Nuff Said! (tonyl@sigmafinancial.com)

2) All the fans would cease to whine about Batman and Supes wearing their underwear outside their tights, since their gold chain mail tag-team costumes won't even HAVE tights. (MizzMarvel)

1) Socko could become the Herald of Galactus! (PH 99)

Sadly, making this list was one of the proudest achievements of my life.
:: Mac 9:17 AM [+] ::
Happy Deathday!
Your name:MizzMarvel
You will die on:Tuesday, November 12, 2024
You will die of:Didn't wait 30 minutes before swimming
Created by Quill

:: Mac 9:05 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 22, 2003 ::
There's this guy who lives downstairs who always hangs out either at the front gate, out front, or in the garage. We just thought he was a tweaker who smoked outside, but as it turns out he's a weird peeping tom. Two families are moving away after catching him looking into their windows and generally lurking. He's been evicted, but he's still here for now. Incidentally, the front gate is very near my windows.
:: Mac 9:17 PM [+] ::
Jeez a frickin' loo, my first twelve-hour day! Wooooooooo. It would be funny if I left all the typos caused by my own exhaustion, but I won't. I worked mostly Snoopy Bounce all day. You know what? If a little kid won't come out of the bounce house when time is up, someone has to go in after them. And that person is me. SIX KIDS I had to go after today, and the only consolation I get is that in doing so I have to break two rules - I'm far too tall for Snoopy Bounce, and I keep on my shoes. I just have to take off my name badge.

My throat hurts from yelling at small children all day. Oh well.
:: Mac 12:04 AM [+] ::
Your ideal mate is Pyro. He has a hot temper and a
short fuse, so dont tick him off! He has a
strong desire to prove himself and wont
hesitate to show off when he gets the chance.
Don't be surprised if he doesn't show you some
love. Frankly, he couldn't care less about you
and is probably only using you to get ahead.
But he's cute and thats pretty much all that
matters. Right?

Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only)
brought to you by Quizilla
:: Mac 12:00 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, June 20, 2003 ::
A brothel in Nevada is offering free sex to US servicemen and women. God Bless America.
:: Mac 12:12 PM [+] ::
I'm finally a certified Ride Operator. It took about three days of training when it really should've just been two, but that's all right, I guess. It freaked me out for a while, but slowly I realized it wasn't really my fault at all - I was scheduled badly - and that I was getting paid the same for mostly observing and jotting down notes.

I get my first paycheck ever today! All the money I made for my school job was just deducted from the tuition I owe, so this'll be the first time I actually get to cash one. This first one won't be for a whole lot though - just what I made for attending orientation last week, but since I'll be working five days straight this week, including a twelve hour day tomorrow, the next one should be pretty damn decent.

Dammit, all I can think about these days is work. And now I have to go rest up for today's shift. I'm closing. Never did that before.
:: Mac 12:04 PM [+] ::
Magic Number7
PersonalityUnfulfilled Dreamer
SexualWhatever, Whenever, Whoever
Likely To WinA Swimming Badge
Me - In A WordDevious
Brought to you by MemeJack

:: Mac 11:57 AM [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 15, 2003 ::
Work was kind of bullshit today...I came in for training at nine am and discovered that four of us needed to be trained for Camp Snoopy, and the one trainer was only allowed to have two. So the other spare person and I were stuck reading the safety manual for a while to kill time until a shift leader became available. This never happened. Three hours later, we were just rescheduled for later training. I needed tomorrow off, so that means I have to wait until Tuesday to get started. Oh well. At least I got paid for doing nothing - and it wasn't even my fault!

Waiting outside, a little boy smiled and waved at me, he was so excited about going to Knott's. It made my day.

Oh, happy Father's Day all.
:: Mac 8:56 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 14, 2003 ::
I had my first eight hour "work" day today. Well, eight and a half, counting lunch. Basically, it was more training and learning more about working rides in general. Less boring than before, at least, but I am sooooooooo tired. And I didn't even really do anything! Basically, there was a lot of sitting and listening, followed by a walk around the park. I mean, if I'm exhausted by that, how am I going to handle actually being on my feet for up to three hours at a time?

Well, the prospect of a paycheck helps. It's weekly, and my first one will be for about $120 which I am VERY MUCH looking forward to spending with gleeful abandon.

And of course, listening DOES tire a person out.

But tomorrow I'll be there for the same amount of time, and really training for the eight rides I need to master initially. Camp Snoopy is composed of two sides - North and South - with a total of fifteen rides that RO's (Ride Operators) shift on. I'm starting with the South Side, but eventually I'll have to learn all fifteen. Sort of scary.

And then I'll probably have to finish training on Monday. I'm going to be very very very tired. I'm used to working eight and a half hours WEEKS, not days!

Oh well.

I'm rather sleepy and uncomfortably hot.

Here is the first quiz in a while:

You are a gargoyle. Beautiful and mysterious, you
are only alive at night, and are weary of
humans...some trust you...most don't.

What Kind of Fantasy Creature are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
:: Mac 8:45 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 ::
Yesterday was company orientation...basically, a waste of time, but I got paid for the two hours I was there. Also, I won a T-Shirt. A year-old Halloween Haunt promotional shirt, double XL. I could wear it as a dress...

Today I went to the auction with my mother. She loves it, it bores me. I'll give her major props for not insisting that we stay long. Worst part is that I'll probably go next week too, but I have reasons for going other than antiques.

Not much else to say...I feel really boring. Hey, did anyone else get the letters they wrote to themselves last year in Ms. Lo's class? I got mine on Saturday, and I wasn't too embarrassed by it. I might eventually post an excerpt here. Then again, maybe I won't.
:: Mac 10:00 PM [+] ::
Blogger has revamped the way one posts, so now I have to get used to doing it all over again. This I don't particularly care for, but I must admit this posting page looks better. But no one else sees it but me, so who the hell cares?
:: Mac 9:52 PM [+] ::
Apparently, I am a Major Geek.
:: Mac 9:49 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, June 07, 2003 ::
I went to a fashion show at Macy's South Coast Plaza today. It was okay, but it would've been better if there were boys in bathing suits too, instead of just girls. I got a free "consultation" at the Clinique counter, which basically means the lady did my make-up for me. And it actually looks really good. My mom bought me some, and it seems really expensive, and now I feel guilty for spending her money.
:: Mac 5:41 PM [+] ::
Yesterday I watched a documentary on the Health channel called Transgender Teens. It focused on a couple of young women who want to become physically female, and it's pretty interesting. One has the support of her family, but the other was basically cast out of her home when she told her family she no longer wanted to be a boy, and now she lives on the streets and prostitutes herself. How sad.

But was really caught my attention was their names. Why do transgender females always pick fancy names? I've seen shows on transgender people before, and they can never pick something like Lisa or Kelly. In this documentary, the four that are named are Katrina, Sadaisha, LaVonna, and Alexis. What women really have these names?! I have met exactly one girl in my life with the name Katrina, and that's it. What really perplexes me is the fact that Katrina was originally named Stefan. Uh, hello? Wouldn't Stefanie be the obvious choice? Ach, whatever. I wouldn't want to be named Stefanie either.
:: Mac 5:38 PM [+] ::
:: Friday, June 06, 2003 ::
Well, I am now an employee of Knotts Berry Farm. I got hired on Tuesday, and now that I have passed the mandatory drug test and gotten most of my costume, I think it's pretty safe to say that I'm a Ride Operator at the Balloon Chase in Camp Snoopy.

I hope I like this job. Even though I have a school work study job, this'll be the first time I have to actually work regular hours and get a real paycheck. But at least I'll be doing something unique; how many people can say they've worked on a ride at an amusement park? I don't think I know ANYONE who's ever worked the rides at either Knotts or Disneyland, just food, retail, and games. John worked as a rock climber at Knotts for a while, I think. That's pretty interesting.

Not too sure about the costume though. I'm supposed to look like a scout leader or something. Red shirt, tan pants, neckerchief. Dear me. At least there's no hat.

I'll survive.
:: Mac 4:28 PM [+] ::
First of all, I saw Down With Love on Monday, finally, with my mom. Sorry I missed seeing it with you, Annie.

I was terribly disappointed. The story really needed some work and was actually kind of boring. Rene Zellweger (sp?) is SOOOOO over-rated in general, and here it was no exception. And the way she walked and talked was friggin' annoying. The rest of the cast was just all right, even David Hyde Pierce, whose career is made of playing slightly desperate rich guys.

The only bright spot in the whole film was Ewan. Not only did he take his shirt off and walk around in his underwear a lot, but they had him in really nice tailored suits most of the time. He looked awesome. And of course, his performance was excellent. And he danced too! What a man.

Mackenzie gives this movie a thumbs up just for Ewan.
:: Mac 4:16 PM [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 31, 2003 ::
I went to the movies with my mom for the first time in over a year. The last movie we saw together was The Princess Diaries, so...yeah, that was a while ago, I think. As we walked into the theatre, I groaned because the lights were out and the previews were playing.

"Oh, it's just the previews," my mom said.

Does she know me at ALL? The previews are my favorite part!

Anyway, we saw The Italian Job. Once again, it's not a breath-taking work of cinema magic, but it's pretty entertaining. What can I say? Mark Wahlberg - good (and hot). Seth Green - good (and cute). Edward Norton - good (and attractive). Mos Def - good (and also cute). Jason Statham - good (as Handsome Rob). Franky G - good (and sexy).

My kind of movie.

And since Charlize Theron is my favorite actress, she doesn't bother me. Therefore, excellent casting. It's pretty funny, has lots of action, a decent storyline, and plenty of product placement. I recommend it.
:: Mac 11:20 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 ::
I was just watching The Simpsons (once of twice daily, unlike the zero times daily I watched it in Indiana), and I suddenly realized that I find one character particularly endearing - Chief Wiggum.

Wiggum, for a secondary character, has some of the best lines:

Chief Wiggum: [reading a tombstone, talking on a walkie talkie] Yeah... put out an APB for a Uspmis R. Dewoh... better start with Greek Town.
Lou: Uh, Chief. You're reading the tombstone upside down. It says "Homer J Simpson."
Chief Wiggum: Cancel that APB... but bring back some of those gyros.
Lou: Uh, Chief, you're talking into your wallet.

[Phone rings]
Chief Wiggum: Heh, yeah, right, lady: An elephant ran through your front yard. Okay.
[Rings again]
Chief Wiggum: Wiggum... Yeah, right, mister, mmhmm. An elephant just knocked over your mailbox. Okay.
[Rings again]
Chief Wiggum: Wiggum... Yeah, right, buddy, liquor store robbery, officer down. Sure. And I'm Edward G. Robinson.

Chief Wiggum: Uh, Mrs. Simpson, I have some bad news. Your husband was found DOA.
Marge: Oh my god! He's dead?
Chief Wiggum: Oh, I'm sorry. He was DUI. I get those two confused.
[a woman walks in]
Woman: Uh, hi. My name is Mrs. Phillips. You said my husband was DUI?
Chief Wiggum: Uh...... talk to one of those officers over there. I'm going to lunch.

Besides that, he's simply an interesting character. He's not too bright, often abuses his power, and is wholly incompetent. However, he remains inexplicably likable. For the most part, he seems like a decent guy, and he really loves his work, even though he's no good at it. Most notable, though, is his relationship with his son, Ralph.

Ralph is really the idiot of The Simpsons. Even Homer can have insight and say intelligent things from time to time; Ralph almost NEVER does. And yet, his father clearly adores him. Wiggum's blind to his son's imperfections - the "special schools" trying to recruit Ralph are certainly the good kind of special, in his father's point of view. The pair are often seen together, with Wiggum never seeming to mind his boy's prescence. He even uses his power to get the boy the role of George Washington in the school play.

Moreover, after seeing every episode of the show at LEAST once, I can't recall him ever saying anything harsh to Ralph. Homer's often expressed disgust or anger with his children, as have other parents on the show. But not Wiggum. I find this very interesting and sweet.

Why am I thinking this deeply about a cartoon? Sheesh. I need to get out of the heat.
:: Mac 7:11 PM [+] ::
I went to the Strawberry Festival on Memorial Day with Tracey. I didn't buy anything other than a $3 purse because all my money was stupidly left behind at home. Oh well, honestly, there wasn't much more I would've bought. I really just wanted to look, and that's what I did! Mission accomplished.

Later we went to Carl's and just talked for a long time. It's so nice having someone to do that with.

She also gave me a present. Okay, see, I think I have a problem with presents. I know when I give gifts, I like the recipient to seem overjoyed or excited or whatever. Yet, I cannot actually act that way. Inside, I am FEELING excited, but for some reason I can't show it. In fact, I think I seem LESS excited whenever I get a gift than I am normally.

Just so it's clear - I LOVE my present. It's unique and totally me. Thank you. :)

I turned in another application, waiting without any real hope to get called back. Maybe I should get off the Internet to see about that. Yeah right. And I found out Wolfgang Puck eliminated my favorite item from the regular menu. DAMN HIM!! I wanted my tortilla soup yesterday, and all they had was butternut squash soup and bad clam chowder. Who wants THAT? No one! Who wants tortilla soup? Me!

Whining ensues.

There was a big fire yesterday on Brookhurst, in the Little Arabia area. On our way home, my mom and I decided to drive over and see where it happened. When we turned down a street, I saw some kids walking down the street.

'That short blonde guy looks like Stephen,' I thought.

Of course, it WAS Stephen. My mom pulled over and we talked for a few minutes. I miss that crazy guy.
:: Mac 10:30 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, May 26, 2003 ::
My bird is such a crack-up. Right now someone's using a leaf blower (which I thought were illegal...) outside and it's driving him NUTS. He also just got through attacking a Jolly Rancher someone left near his cage. He can be a vicious little thing.

I went to the Scottish Festival this weekend with Marion. So many men in kilts, so few who are actually complemented by the look. Oh well. All the had to eat were meat pies, bangers, fish and chips, and haggis. Needless to say, I did not eat there. But I did get a bookmark with the tartan of Clan Mackenzie, a Clan Mackenzie Post-It pad (with the motto of the clan - "I Shine Not Burn"), and a button with a sheep that says "It Takes Guts To Make Haggis." Hahaha. That is does, sheep. That it does.

Later I went to the Block with Tracey. What is the damn deal with Bruce Almighty? It's ALWAYS sold out. We got there before 8 and had to wait around until 10:30 to finally see it! Jeezaloo. And the movie was only okay, in my opinion. Good story, but the humor dies fast. I've never really been a fan of "Jim Carrey - Mr. Elastic Face" movies, but hey, if you're into that, please see it. I did enjoy Steve Carrel, a correspondant from the Daily Show and voice of "Gary" from the Ambiguously Gay Duo (Stephen Colbert, another DS correspondant, is "Ace"), in a funny role.

Most fruitful part of the night - discovering the attention two girls can get by walking into a gaming shop. We were probably the first females to ever set foot in there, and it showed. I'll have to go back.
:: Mac 10:11 AM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 ::
I just learned that three friends of mine, all of whom graduated from Loara with the rest of us, have gotten pregnant already. I won't name names since I doubt they'd want everyone to know their business.

(Okay...one is Beverly. She's having triplets.)

Needless to say, I'm disappointed for their sakes. None of these babies were planned, and I'm mourning the loss of these girls' carefree young adult years. Then I wonder what'll become of these children. I'm fairly certain two will be born, but not so sure about the third. Not that I blame anyone who makes that choice.

I asked my mother once, when I was about 15, if I should happen to one day become pregnant, if she'd take me to get an abortion. She said yes, because she was nineteen when she had her first child, and she respected making that choice. Obviously, it never came up, but I have no doubt that, had it happened, I still wouldn't be sitting around with a child right now.
:: Mac 10:15 PM [+] ::
Jennifer is slightly better, but still looking off. I don't know what happened to her. I didn't do anything! Poor girl.
:: Mac 9:05 PM [+] ::
You're Quicksilver!

Which member of the 'X-Men Evolution' Brotherhood are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

:: Mac 8:46 PM [+] ::
Jeezaloo. I have NO idea what's wrong with Jennifer or how to fix her.

Temporary template change until the other one gets fixed. Enjoy the multi-colored fantasy for now.
:: Mac 4:10 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, May 18, 2003 ::
It's come to my attention that I haven't updated in over a week, so I shall. 'Tis been a long week, but I'll try to condense what has happened to me.

SUNDAY - Mothers Day. IHOP with my mom and little brother. The stuffed French Toast is good.

MONDAY - Went to Loara to visit Annie and various other schmoes. Saw a baby oppossum. Looked up pictures of hot guys on the drama computer while we should've been looking up Spider-Man stuff. Visited with Mrs. Balas and was given a ride home.

TUESDAY - I think this was the day I went to the Block to see X2 with Annie. Got a Peach Pleasure at Jamba Juice. Fawned over the numerous hot guys in X2. Not so many hot guys at the Block.

WEDNESDAY - I can't remember what I did.

THURSDAY - Went to Fullerton College with Tracey and Bri to help with a school project. Was a weather girl and briefly an anchor person. Saw part of the luner eclipse before it got tedious. Dessert at Denny's.

FRIDAY - Forgot about the movies with Annie. Oops. I suck. Got Mama Cozzas with Dad, and finally new comic books.

SATURDAY - Failed job interview with Disneyland. Oh well. I think my parents were more upset than I was. Pizza at the beach with my dad. Went to the Block with Tracey and saw X2 for the third time. Got a Peach Pleasure at Jamba Juice. Fawned over hot guys in X2, ESPECIALLY Collossus. Yowza. Wandered around the Block until closing.
:: Mac 11:39 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 10, 2003 ::
It took a full car, three days, two motel rooms, and eight states, but I am home. Here are the jists of those states:

INDIANA - State Most Likely To Be Returned To In August

ILLINOIS - State In Most Briefly

MISSOURI - Most Tree-Filled State

OKLAHOMA - Most Tornado-Filled State

TEXAS - State Most Easily Slept Through

NEW MEXICO - Windiest State

ARIZONA - Most Beautiful State

CALIFORNIA - Most Densely-Populated State

Not a lot of interest went on, but we had about 5 near-fatalities. When we got home, we went straight to my little brother's baseball game, then unloaded the car and went to Don Jose. I'll probably hang out with my Mom tomorrow, it being Mom Day and all. But other than that, my must sought-after time is up for grabs. Everyone feel free to email or call me with super-awesome plans.

I won't hold my breath.
:: Mac 8:54 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 ::
I am leaving my first year of college with a 4.0.
:: Mac 7:49 PM [+] ::
Niana left this afternoon and I already miss her. I'm so lucky to have gotten such a great roommate, especially since we were paired together by complete chance. After only a few months, she's become one of the best friends I've ever had. When we said goodbye, she cried and I felt like it, and now I have to sleep in a half-bare dorm tonight.
:: Mac 6:08 PM [+] ::
Finals are over, finals are over, yesssssssss. It feels like this giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders, even though I think I didn't do so well on that last one. The last final always has the disadvantage because the least time if left to study for it. I offered my professor five dollars in cash or muffins to call it all off, but no go. Oh well. I don't care. It's over, it's over!

I leave for home tomorrow sometime. Hopefully I'll be in California by Saturday, but who knows. At least I'll be there for Mother's Day on Sunday...too bad I don't have anything for my mom. Oops!

Now I must pack. Oh sweet Heaven...
:: Mac 10:26 AM [+] ::

Which Diesel Sweeties Character Are You?

:: Mac 10:20 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 03, 2003 ::
"They all felt something,
But I felt nothing,
Except the feeling
That this bullshit was absurd."

-- Diana's Montage "Nothing" from A Chorus Line
:: Mac 11:47 AM [+] ::
My day was long yesterday, so I have helpfully put it into chapter form.

I. Finals Finals Finals

I had my first two finals, and studied like mad for...neither. But I did study nonetheless, despite the sinking feeling I felt when contemplating that I'd chosen to watch Seinfeld when I should've been cramming for the dreaded World Prehistory final. Still, I think I did tolerably well on both, the other being for World Cultures. And now I NEVER HAVE TO TAKE WORLD CULTURES AGAIN. Hooray.

II. Chasing X2

Now, the PLAN was that I'd be going to see X2 with my friend Josh and his roommate. However, they mysteriously disappeared. I even went over to their hall to see if they were waiting for me downstairs for some reason, but alas, they weren't. Luckily, Lafe was in the next hall, and screamed at me from the window to go with his group of pals (which was the original plan, but that's a long story). He also wanted me to get closer; I had a feeling a water balloon was onhand, so I kept my distance. Turns out I was right. But with my ride gone, I took the offer gladly.

III. "You're from California and you've never ridden in a Jeep?"

Brent is Lafe's roommate and Niana's friend. I drove with him. He has a Jeep. THAT was scary. I mean, there's a warning sticker telling you that the roof and sides will do you NO good as protection against anything other than rain. Also, the whole time Brent was going, "Oh no, we're gonna flip" or "Ooooh, we're crossing the center divider" or "Let's play a game. I'll cover take my hands off the wheel and close my eyes, and you steer."

I still think Brent's hilarious. Everytime he comes over I end up laughing hysterically. Imagine a whole ride of that over to Bumfuck, Egypt (otherwise known as Newburgh, Indiana).

IV. "Say Car Ramrod!"

Lafe and Brent love the movie "Super Troopers", so I heard quotes from it all night, especially the one above. But dammit, I love that movie too. It sucks how stupid it looked when it came out, when in fact is friggin' hilarious.

I should explain that we went to a drive-in. That's something I haven't done since I was 10 or so, and I'd forgotten that we'd have to wait until dark for the movie to start. So there was lots of standing around and talking.

V. "I guess they're still playing in the woods"

Spoilers here.

X2 was pretty good. It was first and foremost a special effects movie, and in that area, as well as action sequences, it was excellent. But it was by no means Citizen Kane, and the story was only okay. There were a lot of holes in the plot. The title of this chapter refers to the kids in the mansion who take off into the woods and then are just never mentioned again. What the hell? Also, the President has no problem with all those soldiers Wolverine kills in the raid on the mansion? Granted, it's not cool they're shooting tranquilizer darts at the kids, but they're just doing their job. There's also a little too much story here. Not only is there the main plot, there's Bobby and Rogue's relationship, the love triangle between Jean/Wolverine/Cyclops, Wolverine's background, Bobby's confession of being a mutant, Pyro's degradation, et cetera. Come on. They're trying for too much.

The acting and depiction of the characters were, for the most part, sound. There were a few problems with depiction of powers (such as Artie, who's nothing like how he was depicted, though the real Artie would be hard to recreate) and personalities. My major gripe was with Nightcrawler, whom I felt was miscast and miswritten. The actor, Alan Cummings, actually did a fine job, but I think Nightcrawler could've been younger, cooler, and less of a fool. Also, he's not a religious freak. He wouldn't have maimed himself with tattoos for his sins. Please.

The best acting was, once again, Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart. The fact that I can watch them in this movie and not think of them as Gandalf or Picard even once puts me in awe of their skills. I adore them; they're perfect. Hugh Jackman was awesome, Shawn Ashmore (Iceman) was awesome, everyone else was pretty good at least. Aaron Stanford (Pyro) was right on the money by being slightly crazy and annoying. I also loved that Beast (Dr. Hank McCoy) has a cameo.

However, my favorite new character by far is Colossus. Not only does he have what is arguably the coolest effect in the movie, he's HOT. I could watch a two-hour movie of this Colossus running around without his shirt on, but at least I got a good five minutes or so. Damn, that is one sexy Russian farmboy. And somehow, he's written exactly right. He's barely in the movie, but what we see of him is so noble and self-sacrificing. He's so good. God, I'm getting choked up. When Colossus died in the comic book a few years ago, I cried. I miss Piotr.

The ending - blech. Later I was discussing the movie via AIM with Tracey, who'd also seen it, I said something about Jean not really being dead. She answered, "Too bad." These are my thoughts exactly.

The truth is that most true X-Men fans HATE Jean. We loathe her with a passion in all of her forms. We'd like to jump into the comic book, TV, or movie screen and punch her right in the face. That, I think, is what actually makes her an enduring character. But that doesn't mean we want X3 to be Jean-centric, which is how it seems to be headed. I like the Phoenix Saga and all, but it WILL NOT work as a movie. It is too sci-fi and off the wall. What, they're going into space to save the universe from the crazy Emperor of the alien Shi'ar Empire? It's too much. And if they don't follow this story, they're going against the comics, which I also will not like. There's no winning. It'll suck.

And yet, I still like X2. Go figure. And I'll see it again too.

VI. The Double Feature

There was another movie after X2. Phone Booth. It sucked. It felt short, but it still could've ended 30 minutes earlier. Kiefer Sutherland has the most annoying voice ever in it. And the ending was stupid and predictable.

VII. A Full Moon

Then we left and drove home, listening to Flogging Molly, an Irish punk band that I find I enjoy. Lafe mooned us when his car passed. I now must kill him, for that is a sight I never wished to see.

And that was my night. Damn, what a long entry.
:: Mac 10:13 AM [+] ::
The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

:: Mac 9:54 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, April 26, 2003 ::
Niana and I have decided - all men are either losers, doofus-faces, or gay. All men reading this should take time pondering just which one you happen to be.
:: Mac 8:55 PM [+] ::

Yes, everyone's favorite blog is one year old today. There's no use denying that she is the best and most beloved of blogs, because it's simply FACT. That is, until she started posting mere happenings of the day and not the weird musings like in the old days, but eh. Not enough time to think up decent stuff recently. Hopefully that will change this summer.

I really do appreciate having this blog. I like having an outlet for my emotions and frustrations, since it's incredibly hard for me to open up to anyone in real life. It's much easier to type here than actually say something out loud. Also, here I can actually write about things too weird for me to say outloud, and I say some pretty weird shit sometimes, so that's saying a lot.

In other news.

There's a killer sunset out right now. The ones back home get all fucked up because of the pollution, so they're not half as nice. We can see the stars here at night too. I miss home, but California definitely has its set backs. But I DO miss getting my comics EVERY WEEK rather than kinda sorta every once in a while. Oh, and the family too, I guess. And you schmoes I refer to as "friends."

X2 this Friday! Wooyay! Gets a double cry of happiness there. Here's hoping it's awesome.

I'm starting to feel sick, so let's cut this short.

Happy Birthday again, Jennifer old girl.

Here, have some cake.
:: Mac 5:37 PM [+] ::

Mirkwood Elf (Grey Elf) - You hail from the fair
realm of Mirkwood, ruled by King Thranduil, and
his son Legolas. You specialize in archery.

What kind of elf are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
:: Mac 5:23 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 ::
Oh, I forgot to tell this little story.

So Monday my friend Jimmy came back from his Easter trip and IMed me when he got back inside. At about that second, all these cars outside started honking like idiots. Being so clever, I IMed him with "Honk if Mackenzie's awesome..." Then the honking stopped for a minute, until I hear this one solitary honk. Jimmy'd gone back to his car to honk for me.

*sniff* I feel special. And awesome.
:: Mac 4:45 PM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 ::
Also, I actually did some writing tonight. Not for either of two papers that are due on Friday, oh no! That would be silly. Nope, I actually got up and did some fanfiction. If any of you have read "Good Omens" by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, do me a favor and take a look at my newest baby:

"The True Test of Good"

Beware - it is slash, but very mild. No nancing about or perviness. For the time being.
:: Mac 10:11 PM [+] ::
Andy: I've got a proposition for you: why don't you come over here and write my Ancient Greece paper for me?
MizzMarvelUE: An unlikely proposition.
Andy: You're not a very willing participant in my proposition, so YOU are to blame, and, thus, should be the author of my paper
MizzMarvelUE: What will I get for this?
Andy: name it
MizzMarvelUE: The One Ring.
Andy: I think I've got that lying around here somewhere...
MizzMarvelUE: And a date with Legolas.
Andy: I actually have one, if you're interested (mnus the date). It came with my Middle Earth Risk
MizzMarvelUE: Will it give me evil powers?
Andy: You already have those. They came with the ovaries.
MizzMarvelUE: Those don't count.
Andy: How can those not count? Speaking from experience, they can make a man's life a living hell
MizzMarvelUE: But every women has them.
Andy: And every woman is uniquely evil
MizzMarvelUE: I suppose so.
Andy: It can't be denied. You hold the power.
MizzMarvelUE: Excellent.
Andy: It is man's position to hold The One Ring, not to rule the world, but so he can be on equal grounds with women. Oh, what power!

Speaking of which...

Pippin's my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

To read the hilarious "Very Secret Diaries" to which this is based, click here. Beware if slash (the romantic pairing of men in fanfiction) bothers you. But man, this is fun-ny. And I am most certainly a pervy hobbit fancier.
:: Mac 10:04 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, April 21, 2003 ::
I just watched Goonies for the first time with my friend Andy. God, I HATE Chunk! There's nothing good about him! He's a fat, ugly, annoying, unfunny, clumsy, stupid, loud little snitch! "Stick his hand in the blender, PLEASE!" I cried to the characters living in the tiny TV set, but alas, they did not heed my cries. I couldn't help but see Mikey as little Samwise. When they went into the waterfall cave, I yelled, "No, don't! Faramir's hiding in there to get you!" And later, when that girl kissed him, "What will Frodo say?!" Luckily, Andy's an LOTR fan, so he didn't mind my geekiness TOO much (I think).

Has anyone seen Conan do his impression of an LOTR fan? He sticks out his teeth, scrunches down his neck, and makes his eyes slit. "Go Frodo! Beware Gandalf! Terror lurks in the secret tower of gobble-goo!" The he pushes his pretend glasses up the bridge of his nose. Oh, it gets me every time.
:: Mac 9:38 PM [+] ::
I read Bri's latest entry early this morning, and I got off on this tangent thinking about it. Mostly, I got to considering the concept of moving out of the house.

In my opinion, people should be moving out of the house permanently by the age of 21, or until one graduates from college. Either or. And I don't mean the graduate school aspect of college. I mean once you get your BA, you're out the door with your little pink "Staying At Grandma's" suitcase packed up all nice and tidy like. Forever and ever. Gone.

Some people stay at home to help the family out somehow. Okay. That I respect. Or they're going to college nearby and it's cheaper to live at home. No problem. Makes perfect sense. But the lazy-ass idiots who merely stay at home because the food is free and the rent is non-existant...ARRGH! How annoying.

Look at it this way - move out for the sake of your younger siblings. You sticking around is just holding back your next-oldest sibling from ruling the roost for a little while. Your older siblings were willing to move out graciously and allow you a smidgen more power...why can't you? Or, if you're the oldest, you've been the head honcho for your whole life! You've been annoying your parents for years only to have them take it out of the young'uns. It's time for you to move on. And if you're the youngest, you REALLY must escape. The fact is, your parent(s) like having someone around to boss and bitch at, and will do anything to keep you around to do so. If you do not leave by the age of 21, you NEVER WILL. EVER.

Need I explain I have an older brother who lived with us up to the age of almost 26? No, don't think so.
:: Mac 4:41 PM [+] ::
First of all, I really should be writing my eight-page paper, but I'm stalling. I've only finished about two and a half pages. It's due Friday, so I still have some time.

Secondly, the fact that Larry's using one of my very favorite songs as his away message aggrivates me to no end.
:: Mac 4:08 PM [+] ::

Renton! *swoons* You're out of the toilet, moving on,
going straight and choosing life. Go you.

Which Trainspotting charactor are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I've done a very similar quiz before, but I can always use more Ewan.
:: Mac 4:06 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, April 17, 2003 ::
What a night, what a night, what a night.

First of all, today was the last day before Easter Break, so essentially all my friends left except for Niana. So I'm going to feel a little lonely this weekend. Also, I have no food and no way to get it. This could be quite a problem, I suppose. So I filled up on free food at Food Day at work. Yes, Food Day. I love my job so.

For whatever reason, I decided to join Niana and Laura for a night on the town. Now, I don't know Evansville very well. Haven't lived here long enough to really get a feel for it. But apparently, there are several dozen gay guys in town, and they all congregate together in two coffee houses. I was actually impressed by the density of gay men I came into contact with tonight.

But anyway, so we went to this one coffee house, where my friend Katie works. First we played some rockin' Chutes and Ladders with this guy Gordon, then some other guy, Mark, showed up and I played rummy for the first time in my life. I managed to win the second game. Then it was time for us to go to ANOTHER coffee house, which turned out to be closed. Wheee. So we drove over to this other one, where a massage train somehow started. I stayed the hell away from that. The nwe left.

At some point, I got to thinking, Why is this 34-year-old man (Mark) hanging out with a bunch of teenage girls? I think he's gay, so no reason to be found. Then I realized, the question I shoul be asking myself is why am I hanging out with a 34-year-old gay man. For which I have no answer either.

Oh, it all just boggles the mind.
:: Mac 9:59 PM [+] ::
All hail Mackenziea, fairest of Scandanavian island nations!

Yes, I took Beverly's advice and got me a nation state. If you go to the website, please take note of the book that was written by the guy who created the site. I really like the title.

Oh, and I guess take a look at our sister nation, Entwashia, too. It belongs to Marion.

Remember always the Entwash. But likely, you won't really even want to know what the hell we're talking about.
:: Mac 7:00 AM [+] ::
Great Dane!  You're Hamlet!
Great Dane! You're 'Hamlet!'

Which famous Shakespeare play are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

:: Mac 6:57 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, April 12, 2003 ::
Plans for this summer:

* Jamba Juice with Tracey

* Get Annie to drive me places, including Jamba Juice

* Accidentally leave Bri's car unlocked when we go to Jamba Juice

God I wish I had some jamba juice right now.
:: Mac 7:44 PM [+] ::
For those of you who are interested, this is my schedule for next semester:

MWF - Latin

MWF - Evolution of Rome

TTh - Greek and Roman Sculpture

TTh - Creative Writing

TTh - Archaeological Tech Skills

I can't remember most of the course numbers, but rest assured they're pretty high for the most part. I have two 300-level classes, two 200-level, and a lowly 100-level (Latin). I originally tried to register for Bio 100 instead of the Rome class, but I didn't get in! What the hell is that about?! I need it for fricking gen ed, and I couldn't get in! Arrrrrr. And I didn't get the Writing session I wanted, but that's okay. It works, I guess. Oh, and Tech Skills is like a six hour a week class. Yay.
:: Mac 10:12 AM [+] ::
Andy: I've got a surpri-ise
Mackenzie: What?
Andy: i'm not sure. you might have to come down and see
Mackenzie: Uh oh.
Mackenzie: You're going to have all your clothes on, right?
Andy: right
Mackenzie: Well...okay. I'll be right down.

To make a long story short, I just got done carrying a cardboard cut-out of the Hobbits up to my room. I can't believe he actually went out and got it for me. Now I have to somehow pay him back, which'll be hard since I have about no money to spare. We'll start off with my Student Discount Card - he can have that. Also, I will give him much help next year in the three classes we'll be in together. Okay. That works. I feel less guilty about getting a gift now.
:: Mac 9:52 AM [+] ::

John -
You are a tad bit introverted. You'd rather stay
at home than go out. You pride yourself on
independence. You wouldn't ask for help even
if you were drowning in a pool of your own
slobber. I'm sure you've had your run in with
drugs and the law. ( And if you haven't,
well..there's something to look forward to.)

Which Red Hot Chili Pepper Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
:: Mac 9:46 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, April 11, 2003 ::
Well, it's been a while since I updated, so I'll start from last Saturday.

I went to Cahokia Mounds at the border of Illionois and Missouri with Archaeology Club. We all had to be up and ready to go by 6 AM, and there were six necessary hours of time spent with one of my professors each way for the drive, but otherwise it was pretty cool. Cahokia is one of the biggest Native American archaeology sites and consists of the remains of a huge city. Obviously, there are mounds there, one of which, mOnks Mound, is 100 feet tall. So I climbed a 100 foot mound of dirt. I got tired. Fast. I seriosuly thought I was going to pass out. Yet, there were these little kids who were running around the top after the climb. I felt so old. Then we walked around and looked at stuff before heading on home. Mucho fun. I guess.

Then the week came, and some stuff happened that I planned on writing about, but I can't remember anymore. Jeez. It was just a damn long week. Uhhh. Well, I finally met someone who's read "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. I was so happy - it's SUCH a good book, and no one seems to know it when I ask about it. And yesterday I went to the mall with my pal Andy. I watched him buy a lot of stuff, including $17 worth of jelly beans. I got nothing but a peach smoothie. And oh, it was good.

Yesterday Larry and I ceased to be a couple. But I don't feel like talking about that so much.

Today was the Sunset Concert at my school, which had a Mardi Gras theme for some reason, even though we're no where near Mardi Gras and it was a while ago. But I ate some jambalaya, which was okay, but I like the real stuff. I ran into my other pal, Jimmy, and I ended up hanging around him for a while. We watched some stand-up with Niana, then we all went to the actual concert at 9.

I feel old again, because I made it a point to stand near the one set of bleachers so I can sit when I needed to. And oh, I needed to after about an hour. I was standing with Andy and Jimmy, and at least Andy sat down first, but he's also five years older than me and smokes like a Nazi. And he wouldn't buy me a shirt. First he woldn't buy me the LOTR cardboard cut-outs, then no shirt. Jeez, what a jerk. Well, I got a string of beads. So not a total loss.

In case you're wondering, the band was Better Than Ezra. I'm not a HUGE fan, but I like them all right. It was free, so it's not like I lost anything. But the lead singer was kind of corny, and they covered some weird songs (like Madonna and Mellencamp), but they played Good and Extra-Ordinary, so I'm happy. But practically deaf. My hearing's still a bit off. Bah. Oh well.

Tomorrow I better damn well get some new headphones.
:: Mac 9:13 PM [+] ::

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